Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

I woke up really dizzy and sick.  I was surrounded with dirth and I swear I could here shuffling.  Mice and Cochroaches.  Eeww.  My stomach felt quezy and I would throw up anytime.  I was surrounded by darkness. I tried to remember what happened but I didn't suceed. I was too confused to do so. It looked like I was in some kind of basement.  It could be anytime of day but I couldn't tell as there were no windows.  I suddenly heard the sound of heavy footsteps above of me.  It looked like someone was going down some stairs and I felt even more sick as I thought about them coming my way and doing something to me.  Something bad.  I didn't know for how much time I was in and I had no idea how this had happened.

Suddenly the thoughts of what happened snapped into my mind.

I had gone to buy some groceries early in the morning.  I was wearing disguises.  How did they find me? They probably kidnapped the first person that came out of the flat that day and it was me.  But what was the reason? I hadn't done anything to anyone bad but I did have some non-directioner-haters. Well yeah I have a lot, talking from the death treaths I get on twitter daily.

Someone walked into the room and I got back to the world. Somone walked in with a very powerful torch.  He walked up to me and pointed the torch into my eyes.  I looked away.  It hurt.

"Where am I?" I asked as I angrily stood up from the floor.

I decided to fight this person.  He looked like I would be able to handle him.  I stood up and aimed my fist at him.  He acted fast and grabbed my hand and twisted it.  I screamed in pain as I felt something break.

The lunatic just broke my wrist.

I started to screaming and aiming at him, but god he was swift.

He finally took out a piece of cloth with a funny smelling chemical.  I pushed into my mouth.

I started to get dizzy as I smelt the chemical.

That's all I remember before I passed out again.

Niall's POV

I don't know how to react to Harry's dissepeareance. I am hurting so much. How could I let Robin go in order to get my bandmate back. I loved Robin, as my little sister that I wanted to protect with all my might. But we had to do something. After I read Louis's new song I immediatly knew that Louis was in a very akward situation and I knew that he didn't know what to do.

I glanced at Louis which was discussing something with Liam. They weren't whispering or anything, I was just to confused to focus to what they were saying.

"Lou, we better call Marco again" he said. "There must be some kind of agreement to get Harry back"

Louis didn't say anything. He just stared into space with his hand around Robin. She was crying into his chest. I felt so bad. How could we have let this happen?

Nobody seemed to know what to do.

Louis grabbed his phone and called Harry again, to be greeted by Marco.

Louis' POV

"Hello" he said coldly into the phone.

"Hi" I said with loss of words. "We want Harry back" I whisper-yelled angrily.

"I already told you the rules" Marco told me.

God how i was hating this guy.

"And there'e a deadline" Marco said.

I was dreading the moment that he had to say this.

I nodded into the phone, as Marco kept explaining.

I wanted to cry as I heard Marco say that we only had a week to hand in Robin. I hung up from the phone and flopped down onto the couch. I ran a hand through my hand and buried my face in my hands. I wasn't really good at keeping the tears back in moments like this.

"He said that he would hurt him everyday if we won't hand Robin in soon." I said sadly.

I felt Robin crying more as I said this. It was so sad, beleive me. Harry was my best friend and Robin was my girlfriend.  I couldn't choose between them. And eliminating the fact that we were forced to be together, I still loved her and maybe managment had given us the push that we needed so we can make it happen.

But now we were hopeless.


At midnight:

Robin's POV

I woke up at the sound of my muffled alarm which was hidden under my pillow.  I quickly turned it off with my shivering hands. I was dead scared and I wasn't happy at what I had decided to do.  I was probably crazy at doing this.  I have just been invited to be mentally, phisicly and sexually abused and I had accepted.  I was getting mad.  For sure.  I went out of bed looking at Louis sleeping peacefully hugging the pillow. I snatched a hoddie from the dresser.  I awfully wanted to stay and he could comfort me, but I had to do this.  For the band. If I didn't all the fans would be devastated and I would be hated even more. Now was the end of my relationship with Louis.  The cute Doncaster boy that I loved with all my heart.  But I was doing it because of love. It maked you do crazy things.  I left a note on his bed side table and kissed his lips softly.

For the last time.

As I exited the flat I popped my phone out and called Marco.  To pick me up. I was insane!

"H-eey Marco" I slurred into the phone unable to speak properly.

"Hello" he said. "We were expecting you. We have just broke his wrist and drugged him again"

I gulped. You know have an idea about what was coming for me. I wanted to scream my lungs out and pull my hair in my hands.  What the hell was I doing?

I could feel the smirk from the other side of the line. I was going insannneeee.

He told me to meet him at starbucks, outside. I limped to the place slowly and he was there before me. I still had my broken ankle and my bandaged head. I would look even more phisically broken by the time he would be ready with me. If he ever will be.

As I got to starbucks to black masked people came and grabbed me. I started screaming and sobbing realizing that this was the start of hell on ground. I wished that I was in Louis' arms crying into his chest while he stroked my back softly. 

I want the moments I had with him.

The past few weeks! The best.

And suddenly I remembered about my football carrier.  I mentally waved good bye to it as the person threw me into the car. God didn't he see my cast!

My dreams.

My love.

My sucess.

All gone in a few minutes.

Dreaming - Louis Tomlinson (serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now