On Fire

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{Rosa's Point of View}

They were going to get what was coming to them. All of them. Those ninjas. Those stupid teachers. My parents. Eliz. Ryan. Dew. All of them.

After Ryan had broke up with me, I had plotted and planned until I realized the school's weakness. Fire.

No one except me could control fire, meaning they can't stop my flames of anger. Of course, only a god or goddess with my power could stop it, anyways, since I'm powerful. The only problem was the water twins. Dew and Bay.

I grinned evilly. I could get rid of them. Not forever, but long enough. Since Bay had switched to our class, with her brother, we had been the best of friends, even if she was water and I was fire. I pulled the newest ninja pad out from my purse and messaged Bay:

"Heyyyy gurl meet me @ da dorm buildings in 10 min bring ur bro don't be l8 C u".

A few moments later, she sent back:

"K b there in 10 bro there wit gf bc dey b making out".

I rolled my eyes and walked to the dorms. As she had said, her brother was leaning against the buildings with Eliz. Dew kissed her nose, not noticing I was near, watching. Eliz, on the other hand, stared at me as I approached.

"Hello," I greeted them, startling Dew. His eyes narrowed at me as he protectively pushed Eliz behind him. She rolled her eyes at him but complied.

"Hi," the girl whispered, giving me a slight finger wave. I rolled my eyes, my face twisting angrily, and she flinched away.

"Hey, I'm here," Bay yelled, running towards us. She stopped a few feet away from us when she noticed Dew's death stare. "Uh, Dew, what's wrong?"

"She tried to kill my soulmate," Dew gritted out, his teeth clenched together. Bay cringed back at the anger in his voice. Eliz leaned into his back, obviously calming him. His eyes softened as he looked back at her. She placed her hand in his, knowing he wouldn't clench his fists if she was holding his hand.

"Rosa!" Bay exclaimed, looking at me like I was insane. Maybe I was. "Why would you try to take away his other half?"

"She was trying to take my betrothed!"

"No she wasn't! He's her freaking friend!" Dew yelled, clenching the other fist. Eliz hugged him from behind. His anger left him and he deflated.

"Whatever. Anyways. I asked you guys here. I need some help." I glared at Eliz. "She can leave. Go to class." Eliz kissed Dew's cheek and ran for the school building.

"What do you need help with?" Bay asked, flipping her gorgeous locks dramatically. Dew glanced at me as he ran a hand through his hair, obviously worrying about Eliz the second she left.

"My parents," (the principal of the school and the main doctor), "want me to go into the basement and set up offices. Follow me." Dew and his sister followed me to the basement. Idiots. I stepped down the stairs carefully, knowing the light was down there. Bay and Dew followed me. As I switched on the light, I noticed a few boxes. Grinning secretly to myself, I picked up one. I started up the stairs.

"Hey, get the other two for me, please," I asked them. Dew picked up one, Bay picked up the other, and they followed me out. "Just lay them down. I'll put them up. The janitor wanted me to get these."

Dew narrowed his eyes at me before following Bay down. He knew I wasn't that innocent. I smiled evilly at his back. As he stepped down from the last step, I slammed the door. I heard Bay's scream, but Dew growled.

"I'll let you out when the school can't be saved anymore. When your precious soulmate is gone forever," I said to the door. I heard the pounding of his fists on the door and grinned. "Have fun with the offices."

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