Fight to the Death

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Oh great. My soulmate and my friend who had saved me were going to fight to the death. Over me. And I got to decide how, when, and what to do for the battle. Yay.

Stupid Hades.

They had brought me back to my dorm, where I had to brainstorm how to get out of this. Of course, they thought I was planning the battle. That would be plan B, if I couldn't find a way out.

So I thought, and I thought, until I decided that plan A was a bunch of bull-crap and that I should just do plan B. With a twist. I mean, no one would expect me to rig it, right? They would. So I'm not going to. Haha. Joke's on them. Instead, I'll make it as fair as possible.

There will be three rounds. The first round will be whoever can fight the best, with just hand-to-hand combat and martial arts. The second one will be who can fight the best with their powers and weapons. The third one would be the battle to the death.

Whoever won the first round would get first choice of weapons in the second round. Whoever wins the second round will get to decide how many people can help each candidate and first choice of people.

Both candidates can use their powers, whether it be ninja powers or god powers. Both candidates can choose a certain number of people (the second round winner chooses the number) to help them in the arena. Both candidates are allowed to ask for said soulmate's help. While the gods/goddesses aren't allowed to help, they can root for who they want to win, sponsoring as well.


As everyone sat in the dorm meeting house, (the dorms were the only buildings that weren't burnt down) they stared at me. I stood on the stage, with Lukas and Dew standing on each other side of me. Dew held one of my hands, my left, to comfort me. Lukas glared at my intertwined hand with Dew's.

"Because of the deal Hades presented Dew, I was given this opportunity to create a death match. While I've always wanted to do so, I didn't know it would be between my soulmate and my friend. I have decided to have three rounds. There will be a day or so between rounds to give each candidate time to rest and heal. The first round will be hand-to-hand combat, no weapons, and martial arts. Whoever wins this round will be given an advantage in the second round. The second round is weapons and powers. Whoever wins this round gets an advantage in the last round, where one of you will die." A sharp intake of breath from the crowd interrupted me. I rolled my eyes. "It's a death match. Someone is going to die. I just postponed it for the entertainment of the Gods/Goddesses."

"Here are the rules for the third round. It will be completely fair. Both candidates can use their powers, whether it be ninja powers or god powers. Both candidates are allowed to use weapons. Both candidates can choose a certain number of people to help them in the arena. Both candidates are allowed to ask for my help. While the gods/goddesses aren't allowed to help, they can root for who they want to win, sponsoring as well. Any questions?"

A few people's hands went up. I ignored their hands and nodded. "No questions? Okay. The first round will begin tomorrow. The gods and goddesses will arrive this evening. Whoever was assigned to greet them, be ready."


"Ah, my dear. Don't you love having people fight over you? To the death?" My stupid mother purred, "maybe you are half love goddess after all."

"Oh, yay. Another curse," I gritted out, clenching my fists in anger. "This isn't funny. I found my soulmate. He's all I need. I don't want to be a love goddess. I don't want this stupid fight."

"You're going to speak kindly to your mother," she snapped, her eyes flashing.

"I don't consider you a mother!"

"I hope your 'soulmate' dies!"

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