Fighting Is Good For The Soul

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{Eliz's Point of View}

Stupid blonde leech. Stupid name, Ife. Who names their kid that? I thought nastily as I walked the hallways from boredom. Every once in a while, I would pass a nurse or some other visitor. Each time, they would greet me kindly and smile. I would respond the same way, but moved on quickly to avoid conversations.

A while after Dew left, I was shuffling my feet, walking slowly. Someone knocked into my shoulder hard with their bony one, knocking me back. I lost my balance and fell back roughly on my butt.

"Sorry," a nasally voice snapped out, telling me they didn't mean it and had attempted to knock me over. I looked up at whoever was speaking. Ife, my mind snarled viciously.

I picked myself up, glaring at her. She glared back, holding my gaze. She finally broke it, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at her and started past her. She grabbed my shoulder, spinning me around. I lost all control, seeing red.

I grabbed her hand from my shoulder and flipped her over me. All 6'2" of her flew over my head and landed behind me with a loud thud. Huh. I didn't realize I was that strong. It's probably the adrenaline pumping through my veins, my anger, I thought. She grabbed my ankle and yanked. I lost my balance with a yelp and fell on her. She grunted below me and shoved me off. She pinned me beneath her, since she had a few inches and probably 20 pounds on me. She grinned in victory, but I wasn't finished.

"Oh my god, you cow! Get off me!" I yelled in her face, pushing her off. She fell back, her face breaking out into surprise before anger clouded it. She kicked at my face, her heels sharp. I ducked quickly, knowing those things could blind me.

"You're so-so...annoying!" She yelled, trailing off to think. I grinned.

"Can't come up with a comeback, bimbo?" I taunted, grabbing her leg. Her eyes narrowed and she kicked at me again. Her heels struck just below my neck. I let out a cry of pain.

"Stupid and weak," she commented, sneering at me. She stood up, towering over me. "I guess Dew likes them that way. I'll remember that when I see him again." My control snapped again. I blacked out.


When I "woke up", a teenage boy was holding me back from Ife. She was unconscious, on the floor, with a lot of broken bones. Not to mention her precious nails ruined, her heels snapped, and her hair messed up and parts of it ripped out.

"I understand she's a brat and is really annoying and can tick you off, but did you really have to do that? I mean, wow. Someone as small as you shouldn't be able to do that. I'm seriously impressed," the teenage boy whispered into my hair, his arms holding me around my waist tightly.

"I'm not small! I'm 5'11"!" I whisper-yelled. "And she's more than annoying. She's a pain in the you know where." He chuckled, releasing me. "Who are you, anyways?"

"I'm Pierce, Ife's brother. Sadly. We're twins," he explained as I turned around to look at him. He grinned at me and I instantly felt at peace. He had golden locks to his ears, light blue eyes, and was almost as tall as Dew.

"What did I do to her?" I asked him, turning to look at her.

"You don't remember? It was a very nice cat fight, my mates back home would be very impressed." I rolled my eyes at him. Pierce grinned and went on with the story.

"When I got here, a little after you must have blacked out, you were on top of her, punching her in the nose. She was screaming 'Not the face!' as you hit her. Then you picked her up around the neck like she was a rag doll and threw her against the wall. When she fell to the ground, you sat on her back and pulled her hair, ripping it out. She was screaming her head off, calling for Dew, whoever that is, and me. I didn't want to interrupt your fight, since you would've beat the hell out of me. She started crying and you flipped her around, so you were sitting on her stomach, and gave her a black eye. You must have felt extra ticked off because you scratched at her face. She managed to slap you, but it didn't faze you. You grinned sadistically at her and I knew I had to interrupt you. It was like you were about to kill her."

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