Pierce, the Relationship Fixer

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{Pierce's Point of View}

Eliz hadn't shown up to class in a few days, barely answering my texts. Apparently the lovebirds had broke up after I left. Hmm. Shouldn't I have felt happy about that, that I finally had a chance to get my Eliz? Yet I wasn't. She was depressed, crying her eyes out, over him. I wouldn't be happy over her pain.

I decided to take the matters into my own hands. In other words, annoy the crap out of Dew until he listened to me. I've been told this method works.

I followed Dew from the last class of the day, Lukas' class on archery, the only class where the teacher didn't give detention to Eliz. He led me along the walls, circling a few times. So he knew I was there. Eh. Who cares. He better know I'm here.


"Stop following me," Dew called over his shoulder for the 56,9429th time. I rolled my eyes. I quickened my pace and walked beside him. He scowled at me as I laid my elbow on his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"I have to beat some sense into you before you lose her," I told him seriously. He glared at me, his eyes darkening with anger.

"I wouldn't lose her if you weren't in the way," he growled. He shoved my elbow off him and continued walking towards the wall.

I stopped. "W-what are you doing? Don't y-you understand what's out there?" I stuttered out, staring at him. He turned around and grinned.

"I'm going to go fight the beasts."

"You're crazy!" I shouted, watching him walk back towards me. He pulled out a pair of Katanas and a bow with a quiver of arrows.

"You are too. You're coming with me," he replied, handing the bow and quiver to me. I stared at him as he motioned me forward.

"Me? Go out there?!"

"You want to knock some sense into me. I'm going out there. You can knock some sense in me out there."

I closed my eyes. "For Eliz," I whispered to myself, opening my eyes. I looked up at him. "Deal." He grinned at me.

"Come on, pretty boy," he mocked, motioning to the wall. He took a running start and leapt over the wall, like a spider monkey. Oh, he wants to compete? Game on.

I grinned slightly as I bounced off the tips of my fingers and launched myself over the wall, landing directly in front of him. He stumbled back, surprised. He rolled his eyes when my grin grew and turned to the forest.

"Start walking, let's talk," he murmured, unsheathing his sword. His eyes were alert, sweeping the area. I rolled my eyes.

"You start. Let out your emotions. Be a girl," I joked nervously, scratching my neck. He glared at me.

"We fought over you. And guess what? She suggested we broke up. So we did. She called me a jerk with no brain."

"Wow. It feels like it's my fault," I blurted out, wincing when he let out a bitter laugh.

"Of course it's not your fault! No, it was the wall I threw you against who caused us to fight and eventually break up! Duh!" He yelled out, breaking the eerie silence in the forest. Birds scattered from the trees above us, blocking out the dim sunlight we had for a few moments. I opened my mouth to yell back, but something growled behind Dew. He spun around, backing away into me. I stared at the beast.

"Oh, beautiful," I mumbled, pulling out my spare dagger. Dew glared at me like I was stupid, until I pressed it and it became a long sword.

He ran at it, yelling. It swatted him away with one of its many arms, or legs, whatever it was. He flew into a nearby tree. My eyes turned dark blue and I blacked out. I always blacked out when I fought seriously.

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