Going Outside

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{Dew's Point of View}

Something bad is going to happen out there. I knew it. I felt it. But what? Who would it happen to? Our team or some other one? Will Eliz, Pierce, Tyler, Dylan, Bay, and I come out unscathed? Hopefully.

My team was scheduled to meet up after the sun rose, at the coffee shop Eliz and I went to for our first date. I was the first one there, so I ordered a coffee and sat in a back booth, watching the door. It surprised me when a pair of soft arms wrapped around my shoulders and lush lips attacked mine. I smirked at her through the kiss. She grinned back as she pulled away.

"You taste like coffee. Ew."

"You know you love it," I whispered, leaning up to kiss her again. She wrinkled her nose and pulled away.

"No PDA children!" Dylan yelled as he bounced up to us, his eyes shining when he looked at my soulmate.

I glanced down at his backpack. "What do you have in there?"

"Some water bottles, a few daggers, and Kata-"

"Please tell me you're not going to say Katanas. That's my weapon," I growled out, glaring.

Eliz stifled a chuckle next to me. "Share children." She grinned as both of us glared at her. Dylan glanced down at Eliz's pack, which was resting beside her feet.

"What's in that?"

"Bow and arrows, daggers, water, and a few energy bars." I nodded, pulling her backpack from her and swinging it onto my back. She glowered, sullenly protesting, "I could've carried that."

"I know darlin'," I answered, ignoring her grabs for it. Instead, I stared at the door, batting her hands away when she reached.

Pierce and my sister came in after a while, their bodies attached somehow. I rolled my eyes, noticing their googly eyes. They hurried over to us, guiltily pulling away when they noticed my glare.

"Don't be late next time," I scolded, turning away. Tyler strolled in leisurely afterwards, sending me a cheeky grin.

"Time for our adventure," Eliz squealed, forgetting about her bag. We followed her, chuckling, as she led the way over to the gates.


We had been walking for a long time; nothing had disrupted us at all. Eliz fidgeted with our hands, her thoughts filled with confusion and wonder.

"Why haven't any beasts attacked us?" Dylan asked, his voice bored. He looked at Eliz, distracting her. Now was my chance. I pulled my hand away from hers, and pulled out the velvet box from my pocket. Dylan smiled at me as I did, noticing the box.

Eliz shrugged at him before turning back to me. She had just noticed that I wasn't warming her hand with mine. She froze, her eyes wide as she stared at the box.

I kneeled before her, sending her an apologetic smile, and opened the box. "It's not the best time, I know, but Pierce interrupted my first try and I couldn't try anymore with everything else. So...will you marry me, Elizabelle? Will you be mine, forever?"

She stared at me, before whispering, "yes." She was in shock. As it faded away, she started screaming. "Yes! Yes! Yes yes yes!" She reached for me, to hug me, but stopped short and gasped. Her hands gripped her chest, cupping up blood.

She was shoved from behind, stumbling across the rocks until she fell. Rosa stepped up, her eyes flashing in victory. Two unfamiliar men stood up next to her, Ife coming up hesitantly to look over one's shoulder.

"Eliz!" She yelled, trying to get past the one boy. "She didn't deserve this! Oh my god, Rosa! Why the hell would you do this?"

"Revenge," Rosa hissed, ignoring Ife's protests. "Vincent, keep your soulmate out of this." He nodded, picking up Ife and hoisting her over his shoulder, carrying her off. Pierce growled and followed at a brisk pace.

I hurried toward Eliz, but Rosa's other recruit blocked me. "She's going to die, pretty boy," he sneered as Rosa picked up Eliz's body.

"Why?" Eliz coughed out blood, staring helplessly at Rosa.

"Revenge is a b-" she was interrupted by the recruit's cries. She turned to see his neck slashed, the life draining out of his eyes. I smirked in triumph, watching the panic in her eyes rise. "Carl!" She screamed, running towards him. I dropped him to the ground, passing her to get to my love.

"Eliz, baby," I whispered, staring into her pain-filled eyes. "Don't leave me, please. I need you." She winced as she lifted her hand, laying it gently on my face.

"I love you, Dewy..." she trailed off, glancing over at Rosa. As her eyes fluttered back to me, she cried out. "It's too painful, darling. I have to leave-"

"No! Don't leave me-"

"Until we meet again, in a new life," she whispered, leaning up to kiss my forehead. As she fell back down onto the rocks, her breathing became troubled, until she was lifeless. I pulled her body into my arms, ignoring the battle behind me, and went back to the ninja university.

{Eliz's Point of View}

The lights bled through my eyelids, turning everything red. My eyelashes fluttered involuntarily; once, twice, thrice times. My arms were currently being prodded at.

"She's awake," someone said, their voice full of relief. I opened my eyes; no point in pretending anymore.

Three nurses stood around me, their eyes wide with relief. "We would've had to pull the plug if she didn't wake up soon," one whispered to the others. "We're not a big hospital. 2 years is too long; we have other patients."

"Darling," one of the others spoke, looking at me with kind eyes, "do you want to see your family and friends?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but the third nurse interrupted, "Of course she does! 2 years of not seeing her loved ones is horrible!" The nurses nodded in unison and one set out to get my "family".

I had been in a coma? For 2 years? What happened to me? Was Dew real? Was that real? Was that a...dream?

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