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{Ife's Point of View}

After Pierce dragged her out of the room, I continued painting my nails, acting like it didn't hurt when my brother took her side over mine. He didn't like me, I knew that. I knew that he loved Eliz more than he would ever love me, and I was more family than she was. Of course, he didn't know that she was related to us.

When my nails dried, I turned off the TV and snuggled into her soft blanket. I felt a small pile of guilt build up in my stomach at taking her things, but I ignored it. She took my brother's heart, turning him against me. It was all her fault Dew wasn't attracted to me, like all the other boys.

I went to sleep angry, picturing myself beating the crap out of Eliz. It calmed my emotions down slightly, and I managed to fall to sleep.

And then I was dreaming.


"Darling grand-daughter," Aphrodite's voice called to me. I felt myself float over to her, my body moving but my legs not. She looked beautiful, her eyes bright blue and her gorgeous blonde locks covering her neck and shoulders gracefully.

"Aphrodite," I whispered, bowing my head. She smiled down at me and motioned for me to follow her. As she walked, I floated behind her.

"Does Eliz know yet, young one?"

"That Pierce and I were born because two deities drank too much ambrosia and had a one night stand, making us related? No, she doesn't know yet," I answered bitterly.

"You're not happy to be related to my daughter?" She asked, her perfect eyebrow rising.

"Grandmother, she has my brother wrapped around her finger, my love too, and to top it off she attacked me."

"You're leaving out some key information. She's related to me, a love goddess, of course she is him wrapped around his finger. Your love is her soulmate. And you provoked her," she said, looking at me through narrowed eyes. "She's not the only bad guy here, young one."

"I'm sorry-"

"Do not apologize. Continue," Aphrodite demanded, walking on. We were on Mount Olympus. It's so beautiful up here, so many gorgeous trees.

"She doesn't know why I hate her so much. Is she re-"

"Language, young lady."

"Stupid," I finished, casting my eyes down. "Sorry, Aphrodite."

"Young one, she isn't that bad. I promise, she doesn't know your brother is in love with her, or that he's wrapped around her finger. She deserves her soulmate. You have one, and when you find him, you'll forget about this whole crush on Dewdrop Cove Bedford. Try to be friends with her."

"I will try." She nodded, looking at me with an oddly wise expression. She's a love goddess, not a wisdom goddess. Weird.

"You're about to wake up, Ife. Try to be nice to my daughter. I'm sure she's not that bad."

"Yeah right," I mumbled to myself as I felt myself waking up. Lights surrounded me and I soon woke up from my dream.


I woke up buried in my blankets, my face sweaty from sleep. My neck and shoulders were very itchy, for some reason. I glanced over. Eliz was sound asleep in the bed next to me, her hair falling around her face, making it look angelic, but I knew she was anything but.

I got up, without looking in the mirror, and threw on one of my favorite tops and ruffled skirts. I marched out of the dorm room, closing the door as softly as I could. I would be nice to her.

{Dew's Point of View}

"You're such a-" I started, smiling kindly at Eliz. I was going to call her a sweetheart, but someone interrupted me.

"She-devil!" Ife shrieked, interrupting me. Her annoying heels clanked on the floor as she stormed over to us. Anger was clear on her face and, if this had been a cartoon, steam would be coming from her ears. She glared at Eliz and Pierce, who were trying to stifle their laughs, but failing horribly.

"You cut off my hair!" She shrilled in Eliz's ear. I studied her hair; Eliz had cut her bangs high on her forehead, crookedly, with shorter hair in the back, long enough to stick out of a baseball cap if you wanted to hide it but not long enough to put in a ponytail.

"You just now noticed?" Eliz's voice was steely and cold, her eyes hard as she looked at Ife. "I did it last night. It was easier than kicking your a-"

"Shut up!" Ife hissed. "And apologize! I grew that for like ever! You're like so mean!" If she shuts up, stupid, she can't apologize, my mind growled. Eliz stood up, interrupting my inner monologue. I watched her.

The waitress came over just as Eliz stood up. "Can you get us another coffee, please?" The waitress nodded and set our earlier drinks. Is Eliz going to give Ife a coffee? Aren't they enemies? Weird, I pondered, watching Eliz curiously.

Eliz picked up Pierce's coffee, looking at him. He nodded, apparently knowing what she was about to do. Eliz turned to Ife and poured the coffee over her head.

{Ife's Point of View}

She poured burning hot coffee over my head. My hair sizzled in my ears, until the coffee reached my forehead. Tears ran down my face. It burned so much.

I turned and ran. Ran out of the coffee shop. Ran out of the Walls. Ran until I couldn't breathe, couldn't feel my body.

This is how I'll die, my mind whispered as I collapsed near a tree. I'll drown in my own sweat, die from starvation and dehydration.

"Good-bye world," I whispered. The darkness was spreading in, overtaking my vision. I heard some shuffling near me. Hopefully it was a beast. Here to eat me, to help me with my death.

Something grasped the sides of my head, callused but soft. They moved it to the side, and my eyes focused on this handsome stranger.

"Hang on, beautiful," he whispered. I felt my eyes involuntarily linger on his lips before rising to his eyes. He half-smirked at me, his golden eyes sparkling. I shook my head, at least I tried, before closing my eyes. He shook me gently, trying to make me look at him.

"Baby, please. Look at me. Stay awake. I can't lose you. I just found you," he mumbled desperately, his fingers rubbing through my screwed-up hair. I ignored him. I felt his lips against mine, before he pulled away and yelled, "Please darling! I can't lose my soulmate!"

The dark dots combined into a dark fog, clouding my vision, before I blacked out. Goodbye world, I thought, my last thought. Hopefully.

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