Short story: Of Slime and Blood -- 10

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For the first time since acquiring a humanoid form, I felt like a background character.

Not that I had main character syndrome in the first place, no. It's just hard to ignore someone with my facial features and overall aesthetic—a problem that only worsened as I evolved.

But in this grand hall where the Emperor's coronation was taking place, I didn't feel so out of the ordinary.

I almost convinced myself I was back home in Jura because of how many peculiar races filled this hall with me.

There was a shared atmosphere of awe, though I wasn't so invested in it, and I doubt Luminus was as well.

The main coronation had ended and now, it was just a boring procession of people receiving gifts from the new Emperor, for their recent accomplishments and contributions to the state. They stepped forward, recited an oath that they were expected to come up with on the spot and left.

Leizniz was here as well, as a member of the ruling body of the Imperial College of Magic and the head of its largest cadre, her appearance was probably mandated tacitly. And from the looks of it, she was in Emperor Martin’s good graces.

Of course, Agrippina was nowhere to be seen.

“Next! Archbishop of the Harvest goddess’ church, step forward!”

Huh, how interesting. So it begins….

The usual oaths and whatnot were omitted, probably in honor of the individual’s goddess, though I doubt she'd feel bothered.

She was dead after all.

And they probably knew that already, both the Emperor, and the archbishop.

I was feeling very curious about what reasons they came up with for their deity's sudden death, seeing as they didn't have nearly as much insight into what I am as Agrippina did.

The Emperor promised them a private audience and some other inconsequential stuff before sending the Archbishop off.

The minutes trickled along as more and more people repeated the dreary cycle, and before I knew it, we were alone in the large hall.



And the Emperor….of course, I'll pretend I don't notice the hundred-strong force hiding in the ceiling and the walls.

The shadows cast by the large pillars in the hall gave the place an eerie feeling. The evening light coming in through the stained glass didn't help one bit.

“Please, come forward.” The Emperor spoke, his voice reaching us where we were standing, at the edge of the hall, close to the large doors.

Luminus was the first to move, striding confidently down the aisle towards the ostentatious throne, her robe fluttering behind her.

I almost wondered who the true royal vampire was here.

Oh wait, both technically are…

Snapping out of my thoughts, I fell into step behind Luminus, making sure my casual glances ‘just so happened ‘ to meet the eyes of the men concealed around us.

I could see some of them shift uncomfortably, but otherwise they didn't give much of a reaction…how disciplined.

Something is off though.

I get concealing your guards, but what was the point in appearing totally defenseless? This is smelling more and more like a trap.

We arrived in front of the smirking vampire, and of course, we didn't bother to bow or anything of the sort.

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