Chapter 1: Alluka's set up

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(Contains spoilers for HxH series and movie all chapters do.)
Gon age: 16 height 5.4
Killua age: 16  height 5.7
Kurapika age: 21 height 5.8
Leoiro age: 23 height 6.3
Alluka age: 15  height 5.3
Zushi age: 14 height 5.5
Retz age: height 15 5.5
Time: two years after chimera ant arc🌸

((( Keep in mind this takes two years later after everything. Characters might act differently because they are older for example Gon or Alluka.)))

((In this Au Retz and Killua don't know eachother. Since Retz is in the HxH movie and the movies ain't canon. Retz is not "evil" with her brother in this au. Gon meets Retz on whale island and they become friends. Zushi tags along.))

Now onto the story. (Sorry for too much info)

"What do you wanna eat Alluka?" Killua asks while staring at Alluka who's walking besides him. "Big brother why haven't you contact Gon?" Alluka asks out of the blue ignoring Killua's question. "Eh?" killua says confused.

"You heard me." Says Alluka. Killua bites his lip still kind of shocked about the Question. "You guys haven't talked in two years." Says Alluka sternly.

"Why?" Alluka asks. "I don't know Alluka. I'm scared to text him.." says Killua. "He's your best friend. It can't be that hard can't it? Unless there's something else about it that's bothering you." Says Alluka. "Well.. I think I have feelings for Gon.." says Killua hesitating. "Really?!" Says Alluka with her mouth like this "O"

"Alluka keep it down. We are outside." Says Killua while his cheeks redden a bit. "How come you never told me?" Asks Alluka sighing. "I was scared because-" Killua tried to say but he gets cut off. "Your both boys? Big brother I'm trans. Why wouldn't I support you?" Asks Alluka.

Killua nods at his own stupidity. "It's fine. I guess it just took time for me to be able to tell someone." Says Killua while laughing nervously. Alluka sighs while nodding.

"Well you need to tell him." Says Alluka sternly. "Eh?! I would ruin are friendship! No way!" Says Killua. "Big brother. Fact number one would you rather wait forever and then loose your chance and never tell him?" Asks Alluka.

"Your right about that.." says Killua shyly. "And number two. Gon is the type to not judge." Says Alluka. "Even if he rejects you I think he would still be friends with you." Says Alluka sighing. "Your right about that too.." Killua says.

Alluka shyly smiles but then breaks the wholesome scene when she snatches Killua's phone. "H-hey!" Killua says. Alluka pulls up Gon's number and calls him on the phone.

"A-Alluka!" Killua yells while trying to claw the phone away from her. "H-hello?" A soft but energetic voice says on the other phone.

Killua will never forget who that voice belongs to.


"Gon! Hey it's Alluka! It's been a long time but I decided to say hi!" Says Alluka in her usual sweet voice. Killua stares awkwardly waiting for what Gon would say.

"Oh? Hey Alluka!" Says Gon. "Nice to hear your voice again." Gon adds. "Yours too!" Says Alluka. "Anyways do you think we can hang out sometime? Killua can tag along." Says Alluka smiling. "Oh. When?" Asks Gon. "Maybe this weekend." Says Alluka in a sweet voice.

Killua stares at the conversation. "Oh? This weekend? I don't think I can I have plans." Says Gon while giggling a bit. "Oh? If you don't mind me asking with who?" Asks Alluka.

"Oh I'm hanging out with my two other friends. Zushi and Retz." Says Gon. Killua knew Zushi. But who the hell was Retz? It sounded like a girl name too.

Killua was jealous.


"Ohh!" Says Alluka. "Well next weekend?" Asks Alluka. "Sure!" Says Gon happily. They say there goodbyes and Alluka hangs up and stares at Killua who's fuming. "Uhm.. big brother?" Alluka says awkwardly. "I'm fine."

Says Killua while pouting. "Your obviously not." Says Alluka while rolling her eyes. Killua sweats. "It's nothing Alluka~" says Killua awkwardly. "Wait..." says Alluka. "She better not say-" Killua thinks to himself. "Your jealous!" Yells Alluka while pointing at Killua.

"I'm not!" Says Killua while blushing out of embarrassment. "You so are!" Says Alluka while smirking. "Okay maybe I am. But don't you dare tell anyone!" Says Killua glaring. "Yup yup." Says Alluka while her face goes back to her normal sweet smile.

They continue to walk.


Timeskip: weekend. (Gon hanging out with Zushi & Retz)

"How did you win again?!" Zushi questioned while Retz dropped the Uno card on his head. "Because I'm a superstar." Says Retz simply with a proud cocky smirk.

Gon was spacing out the whole round. "No fair! Rematch!" Yells Zushi. "No! This was our fourth rematch!" Yells Retz. Zushi and Retz start yelling at each other. Gon snaps back to reality.

Retz and Zushi stop aguring and look at Gon. "Hey Gon you have been silent today. Is something up?" Zushi asks concerned. "Nothing... it's just Killua contacted me... Well not him necessarily. His sister Alluka." Says Gon shyly. "Killua?! Really?!" Says Zushi jumping out of the chair.

"Who's Killua?" Asked Retz confused. "Yup." Says Gon not answering Retz but continuing talking to Zushi. Retz pouts annoyed. Zushi starts asking 10 billion Questions to Gon about Killua out of the blue contacting him.

Retz jumps out of her seat. "WHOS KILLUA?!" She yells. Gon and Zushi snap out of the conversation and stare at Retz awkwardly.

"This is gonna take awhile." Says Zushi simply.


Back with Killua & Alluka

Alluka is scrolling through Killua's phone when she sees the contacts "Kurapika." And "Leorio." Alluka smirks with an idea. She goes to a website to find a hotel near a beach with vacation things and then clicks the link.

Alluka smiles.

"This is gonna be great."

(Dang not even through chapter one and Killua jealous💀)

Anyways hoped you enjoy.💗

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