Chapter 4: Plane ride

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Soon the awkward teens find themselves on the plane. Alluka is with Killua, Zushi is with Gon and then Retz sat alone.

Killua stares out of the window. "Jeez 6 hours on this plane? What tournament." Says Killua in a annoyed voice. "Well we could take 2 planes but 1 is better." Says Alluka while pouting.

Killua scoffs. All of a sudden Alluka gets up from her seat and to the seat over. She drags Gon by the wrist and push's him onto the seat with Killua. She then walks to where Gon's old seat use to be and sits next to Zushi and buckles herself.

"Uhm.." Zushi says awkwardly. Alluka whispers something to his ear and Zushi nods proudly and gives Killua a thumbs up before talking to Alluka

Killua sighs his face all pink before looking at Gon who's sweating while smiling awkwardly. They stay in silence for a couple minutes before Gon breaks it.

"I see you and Alluka have been doing well." Says Gon shyly. "U-uhm yeah we have been." Says Killua awkwardly. Killua sweats.

"That's good. Im glad." Says Gon smiling softly. Killua nods. After a hour of silence Killua puts his headphones in and starts watching a show on the mini tv called "Demon slayer." Or whatever. Killua was on episode 3 when he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

Killua looks over to see Gon sleeping on his shoulder peacefully. Killua turns all red. "Flip flip flip what do I do?!" Thinks Killua to himself. He then takes out his headphones and puts them away and wraps his arm around Gon's shoulder awkwardly to make him more comfy.

Gon continues to sleep clueless while Killua is a blushing mess. Alluka looks and then smile softly. And then taps Zushi who also looks. Zushi gives his thumbs up before they both look away and watch a movie. Killua soon after falls asleep.

Killua slowly lifts open his eye lids. "Ugh that time is it.." killua mutters. He checks his watch. "2:00 am"

"Oh we still have a hour or two." Says Killua annoyed. He looks around to see the whole plane asleep. He then glares when he sees Alluka sleeping on Zushi's shoulder. And Zushi sleeping.

"He's so dead." Killua whispers to himself before looking at Gon who's still peacefully sleeping on his shoulder. Killua's face turns a light pink.

Killua then softly smiles and pats Gon's head. Gon continues to sleep through this. Killua stop patting Gon's head and looks out of the window peacefully while still holding Gon.

Killua falls asleep again about 20 minutes later.

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