Chapter 19: a second chance.

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Gon wakes up in a hospital room. It smells clean and it's white.

Gon looks around to see Killua crying in a chair. "K-killua..?" Asks Gon to make sure he's not imagining. "GON!" Yells Killua who runs up to Gon and hugs him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you! I'm sorry!" Yells Killua while hugging Gon tight. Gon manages to sit up in the hospital bed and return the hug. "I'm sorry I overreacted.." says Gon.

"No no no Gon. I'm sorry I couldn't say it. I was scared. But I like you Gon!" Says Killua. Gon's eyes wide. Killua softly kisses Gon's cheek and then continues to hug him.

"I like you too."

Says Gon with a light smile. Killua smiles happily and continues to hug Gon.

Outside of the hospital room:

"That was a emotional rollercoaster." Says Kurapika. "WAHHH MY SHIP SAILED!~" says Alluka. Zushi smiles at Alluka's smile.

"Leoiro I'm sorry about before." Says Kurapika. "It's fine sunshine." Says Leoiro holding Kurapika's hand while smiling. "I feel single." Says Retz. Zushi and Alluka turn red and look away.

"We need to stop Lilumi and Hisoka for whatever they might plan." Says Kurapika. "I second that. We can't just wait along for them to do whatever they want. Look what happened to Gon." Says Leoiro.

"I still wanna go to the kimono festival though." Says Alluka with a sad frown. "I think we could go but after we should leave the beach house." Says Kurapika.

"Yeah." Says Retz. They all agree and then look at eachother.

"We should find a new Kimono store then." Says Alluka with a soft smile. "Once Gon is free to leave the hospital." Says Zushi poking Alluka's cheek. Alluka giggles. Retz stares at them with a smile.

"I'm happy for you guys." Retz thinks to herself.

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