Chapter 9: Explaining

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"EH?!" Everyone says at the same time expect Alluka,Gon and Killua after Alluka explains.

"Do you guys a-accept me..?" Alluka asks in a shy voice. Retz burst out from her seat. "It's amazing! It's like having super powers!" Says Retz in a childish voice. Zushi nods slowly with a smile on his face.

"I gotta say I'm quite curious about this 'power' but I have to say it's quite cool." Says Kurapika. Leoiro was laying on the couch still sleeping.

"Thanks guys.. I'm just not used to people supporting me." Says Alluka with a bit of tears in her eyes. Killua rubs Alluka's back while Gon smiles at there brother & sister interaction.

"Anyways I think we should head to sleep it's quite late." Says Kurapika. "I will pick up Leoiro and bring him to his room." Says Kurapika.

Everyone smirks at Kurapika.

"What?" Asks Kurapika with a confused voice. "Nothing~" Alluka says. Kurapika raises a eyebrow but picks up Leoiro and takes him upstairs. Gon yawns softly. "We should get to bed I guess." He says while rubbing his eyes. Killua stares at Gon softly smiling.

"Wait I have to bandage you up Zushi! I completely forgot!" Says Alluka rushing to the bathroom to get the med kit. "Lemme help!" Says Retz running after her.

Gon giggles at this. Zushi stares at Killua and raises a eye brow. "Killua your spacing out while staring at Gon again." Whispers Zushi. Killua snaps out of it and his face is all pink.

"Shut up!" He whisper yells at Zushi who just laughs. "I'm gonna go to my room. See ya." Says Gon before walking upstairs.

Killua and Zushi just nod. Alluka and Retz walk out of the bathroom. "Bad news. We don't have enough rooms and with Bisky coming tomorrow she obviously wants a room to herself." Says Alluka. "Killua could just share a bed with Gon." Says Zushi.

"Eh?!" Says Killua his face all red. Alluka smirks. "good idea!~" Retz sighs. "I'm so single." She thinks to herself.

——-time skip: bed time——-

Alluka tells Gon which Gon accepts since he has no choice.

Gon is laying in bed next to Killua. They both have there own sides on the bed. Gon softly snores snuggling onto a pillow. Killua stares at Gon unable to fall asleep.

Killua sighs and closes his eyes. He all of a sudden feels something soft against him. He opens his eyes to see Gon on his side of the bed clinging onto his arm while sleeping. Killua turns all red.

After awhile Killua finds a good spot to sleep on and wraps his arms around Gon. Killua smiles softly to himself and falls asleep.

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