Chapter 21: Leaving and reveals

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Everyone is currently walking home. The sun is slowly starting to come up. "Sakura blossoms!" Says Alluka running to the Sakura tree like a little child. Zushi smiles.

(How Alluka looks)

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(How Alluka looks)

"Killua is it ok if I date your sister?" Asks Zushi shyly while looking at Killua. Killua smiles.

"Just treat her well."

Zushi smiles at Killua's acceptance. And then walks over to Alluka. Gon and Killua are holding hands. So are Kurapika and Leoiro. (Leoiro to drunk to understand.)

Soon they make it back. Packing there bags. And getting ready to leave. "Dang gonna miss this place." Says Retz. "Yep." Says Zushi. Gon is sitting on the porch. So is killua. "Ugh I can't wait to be out of here." Says Killua.

"It wasn't that bad." Says Gon. Killua nods slowly. Gon looks at the sun. "It's pretty." Says Gon. Killua smiles.
-timeskip: airport-
They all make it to the airport.

"I can't wait for my bed." Says Zushi. "Same." Says Retz. "Well me and Leoiro are heading out. We are taking plane 56." Says Kurapika. Everyone hugs. Kurapika and Leoiro wave bye and then leave.

"Our plane is 34. Let's get going." Says Killua. They rest of the teens nod and get ready to go. They make it on the plane.

—with Hisoka & lilumi—-
"Damn it that was my only chance." Says lilumi. "Don't worry lilumi Chan we will get another chance one day." Says Hisoka. "Never call me that again." Says lilumi. Hisoka laughs.

Sunset above a ocean. (HxH)  killugon LeopikaWhere stories live. Discover now