Chapter 5: Kurapika and Leoiro

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Killua wakes up to see daylight. He then sees it's time to get off of the plane. He removes Gon from his shoulder so it doesn't make things weird and then shakes him to wake up.

"Wake up Gon we gotta go." Says Killua. Gon's eye lids open revealing his hazel eyes. "Mhm.." says Gon. They all get off the plane and make there way into the airport to find Kurapika and Leoiro who also should of landed.

"So how was your sleep Gon~?" Alluka asks while smirking. Killua turns a little red and turns away. "Surprisingly better then usual." Says Gon. Killua's eyes widen. "He liked sleeping on my shoulder..?" Killua thinks to himself. He goes pink and continues to look away.

"Great to know." Says Alluka while smiling. Gon looks confused but then continues to walk. Retz looks very confused until Zushi whispers something in her ear. She nods and smirks. Killua them remembered something and turns to Zushi glaring.

"ZUSHI HOW DARE YOU LET ALLUKA SLEEP ON YOUR SHOULDER BACK OFF." Says Killua in a whisper yelling voice. Zushi sweats. Killua starts to chase Zushi around the airport.

Alluka giggles nervously. Gon gets the luggage. "Why am I so singleee?" Whispers Retz to herself.

Killua continued to chase Zushi when they run into two familiar people. A blonde with grey eyes and a taller man with black hair and glasses. Leoiro and Kurapika!

Kurapika seems annoyed while Leoiro is dragging him by his collar. "Hey kiddo!" Says Leoiro. "Hey old man." Killua responds. "IM NOT OLD!" yells Leoiro. "Killua I have work your sister seriously had to drag me here?" Kurapika asks annoyed.

"Come on sunshine you deserve a break." Says Leoiro facing Kurapika. "Sunshine?" Says Zushi confused. "If you guys are dating you could of told us." Says Killua sternly.

"Eh?! We are not! It's just a nickname." Says Kurapika blushing and looking away. Leoiro seems a bit stunned and a bit red before looking at Gon softly smiling from far away.

"Gon! My man!" Says Leoiro trying to ignore Killua's statement. Leoiro walks over to Gon and gives him a bear hug which Gon returns.

"Let's get to the beach house ~ I wanna find a restaurant." Says Alluka before skipping away. "I'm getting hungry as well." Says Retz while holding her stomach.

They walk out of the airport and take a taxi to the beach house.

Gon is sitting on the porch staring at the ocean. "Where's Gon?" Alluka asks Killua. There both in the kitchen. "I don't know why ask me?" Asks Killua.

"He's your boyfriend after all." Says Alluka teasing. Killua turns red. "No! Shut up!" Says Killua. Alluka giggles and skips away to the living room where the others are.

Killua sighs and looks out of the window to see Gon on the porch. Killua goes out and sits next to him.

"Hey." Says Gon. "Hi." Says Killua. There's nothing but quietness. A relaxing kind of quietness.

"The water is very pretty." Says Gon. "It really is I can look at it for hours." Says Killua. "I could too." Says Gon softly smiling. The sun starts to set slowly. It's beautiful.

"I didn't know the earth could be this pretty." Says Killua. Gon nods. Retz slides open the door. "Let's get a move on we booked a table at a restaurant!~" says Retz. Gon gets up and walks inside.

"Way to ruin a moment.." Killua thinks to himself.

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