Chapter 18: The attack begins

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Kurapika is wondering about what Neon meant. Everyone is in the store split up. Alluka is walking to the bathroom.

"I should maybe-" but Alluka gets cut off by a hand on her mouth. She slowly turns around to see who it is.


Alluka tries to scream but Lilumi knocks her out. Gon is walking away from the opposite direction of Killua and then sees Lilumi carrying Alluka away. 

"Put her down!" Screams Gon. Lilumi drops Alluka on the floor and then looks at Gon.

"Your the reason Killua left. Your the reason the Zoldycks are failing apart!" Yells Lilumi. He then takes Gon by the wrist.

The whole store starts to run out because of how terrified they are. Expect a few. "GON!" Yells Killua. He then runs up to the scene.

Leoiro and Retz are helping people out of the store to escape while the others get ready to fight. Zushi takes Alluka who is on the ground quickly and runs to where Leoiro and Retz is to hide her.

"Lilumi! Stop!" Yells Killua. Lilumi doesn't listen and push's Gon to the ground. He then grabs a pin.

"I'm done with you." Says Lilumi to Gon.

Gon's eyes wide.

Kurapika runs and gets Gon just in time before Lilumi strikes.

"Gon are you ok?!" Killua asks while holding Gon. Gon has a scared look on his face. He's breathing fast.

"Gon are you okay?-" Kurapika looks to see Gon has been stabbed.

In his leg.

"Gon!" Yells Kurapika in fear. Kurapika then picks up Gon and puts him on his back.

"WE HAVE TO GET TO THE HOSPITAL!" Yells Kurapika. Everyone stares in shock and then nods. They all run out of the store.

Lilumi stares at them all running.

"Don't worry Killua. Once I get that mistakes power I will kill him and Gon. So you can be a Zoldyck again." Lilumi laughs evilly.

"Just you wait killua."

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