Chapter 7: Nanika

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The teens run downstairs into the club to look for Kurapika and Leoiro.

Soon they get lost. And spit up. Killua and Gon together and Zushi Alluka and Retz together. (Poor Retz aways third wheeling.)

"We need to find the broke Oreo and the Pikachu and get the hell out of here!" Says Killua to Gon while there running through crowds. Gon giggles a bit bit Killua's joke. Killua looks at Gon softly smiling before a familiar clown appears in-front of them. 

"Hisoka?!" Both teens say shocked. "Found you~" says Hisoka while smirking with two cards in his hand. "What do we do..?" Killua mutters to Gon. Gon grabs Killua's hand and runs away the opposite direction from Hisoka.

Killua stares wide eyed and is a blushing mess. "No no snap out of it. It's not the time for this.." Killua thinks to himself. They finally find  the "broke Oreo." And the "pikachu."

"KUraPika LoOk ITs ThE KiDs!!" Says Leoiro in a drunk voice. Kurapika looks shocked. "What happened?!" Kurapika says. "Hisoka is chasing us!" Says Gon not letting go of Killua's hand. Killua blush's but looks away.

"I see.. where are the others?" Asks Kurapika in a stern voice while dragging Leoiro away from the drinks. "We all said 3 2 1 and then ran." Says Killua slowly. "We should find them and then get the heck out of here." Says Kurapika who starts to lead them while dragging Leoiro by the collar.

Leoiro passes out from the drinking which makes Kurapika more annoyed but he continues to drag Leoiro. Gon and Killua follow. "Gon... you c-can let go of my hand.." says Killua in a shy blushing voice. Gon's eye wide and light pink blush appears on his face from embarrassment.

"Oh sorry!" Says Gon before letting go of Killua's hand. Killua nods. They both walk behind Kurapika and Leoiro awkwardly.

———-With the trio Z A & R.———

"Run run run!" Says Zushi while running with the other two girls. "I don't see kurapika and Leoiro anywhere maybe Gon and Killua already found them!" Says Retz. "I'm not sure but we gotta keep looking!" Says Alluka. A black shadow appears.

Revealed to be Ilumi. "Big big big brother?!" Says Alluka shocked. "It's the mistake." Says ilumi. "Don't call her that!" Yells Zushi. Retz who's behind Alluka and Zushi stares wide eyed.

"So where's the other little mistake? Or should I say "Nanika." Says lilumi. Alluka's eye's wide. Zushi and Retz stare confused.

"Flip. I didn't wanna show Nanika for the vacation.." thinks Alluka. Alluka starts so sweat and step away. "So where is he?" Asks lilumi tilting his head.

"Alluka goes by she/her you stupid!" Yells Retz. "I don't know what Alluka is hiding from us about some "Nanika." But I'm not gonna question it!" Yells Zushi blocking Alluka.

Lilumi stares un phased. He then grabs Zushi by his neck and holds him in the air choking him. "Zushi!" Yells Retz running up to the scene and trying to pull Lilumi away by his arm.

Alluka stares wide eyed and sweats.

"What do I do?!" Alluka thinks to herself over and over again.

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