Chapter 15: Two down

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That morning once Leoiro walked down stairs to see the others Kurapika walked up to him and smacked him in the head.

"Ow- what the hell?! What was that for?!" Says Leoiro in pain. "Your seriously got me fired?! I didn't know you could be this low! Did you really like me or was playing with me feelings?!" Asks Kurapika.

Leoiro eyes grow wide in confusion. Everyone else stares in shock.

"K-kurapika stop your hurting him!" Says Gon. kurapika runs upstairs and the door slams. Leoiro looks over at Kurapika's phone on the table. "What happened..." Leoiro thinks to himself.

Breakfast was awkward that day. Everyone stayed silent. Kurapika hasn't showed up. Gon walks outside and sits on the porch.

Killua soon walks out and sits next to him.

"What do you think happened..?" Asks Gon. "Probably that Neon girl. I doubt Leoiro did something." Says Killua. "Me too." Says Gon. Gon and Killua stare at the ocean for a few more moments before Killua looks Gon and sighs. He then leans it and kisses Gon's cheek.

"Eh?!" Gon says. Killua leans away a blushing mess. "K-Killua do you like me..?" Gon asks. Killua stays silent.

"Come on Killua it's 3 damn words just say it!" Killua thinks to himself.

A few minutes go by of Killua not saying anything. Gon stands up in tears.

"Did you seriously do that to play with my feelings?!" Asks Gon. Killua stares wide eyed. He never saw Gon this mad at him. Gon then opens his mouth.

"Don't talk to me!" Gon yells before running inside slamming the door shut. Killua feels a bit of tears stream down.

"Why can't I say "I like you." Killua thinks to himself.

——with Hisoka watching from a distance——

"Wow I didn't have to do anything to those two. I guess there off the list. So that means 4 to go." Says Hisoka while smirking.

"I think I will go for them all at once." Says Hisoka laughing mischievously.

——-With Neon——

"I wonder why firing Kurapika would make him crawl back." Says Neon silently while sitting on her bed. "I kinda feel bad.." says Neon to herself.

"Maybe I should call that mysterious number.."

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