Chapter 17: Neon's apology

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Everyone awkwardly is in the living room. Alluka wouldn't stand for them all being "boring." So she dragged them here.

"Everyone there's been a bit of awkwardness lately but I got an idea how to break it! Soon there's a kimono festival. Where you play games and eat yummy food. We should go!" Says Alluka.

"Food? Sign me up." Says Retz. "Sounds fun." Says Zushi. The main four are still on awkward terms so there not evening speaking. "Come on guys!" Says Alluka facing the 4.

"I guess I could go." Says Gon. "Yes!" Yells Alluka. "We have to go kimono shopping." Says Retz. "Then let's go!~" says Alluka. They all start to walk out of the door. Killua Leoiro and Kurapika finally tag along.

"I want a bright pink kimono! Like bubblegum." Says Alluka. "I think that would be cute." Says Retz.

Retz and Alluka continue there girl talk. Bisky didn't wanna come because quote on quote "I'm too pretty for a kimono festival. And everyone would drool over me."

Everyone basically roiled there eyes at Bisky and left.

Gon is walking slowly. Killua keeps trying to think of the right words to say "sorry."

Soon they make it to the kimono shop. Everyone basically splits up.

(With Neon.)

"Okay I made up my mind. I'm calling kurapika." Neon dials the number.

—-with kurapika—-

Kurapika thinks to himself "oh Neon is calling... I wonder what she wants.."

Kurapika answers

"Kurapika: "hello?"
"Neon: "I'm sorry I overreacted. I hope you can accept my apology."
"Kurapika: "oh."
"Neon: "some strange number told me to do it. I don't know why."
Kurapika stays silent.
"Neon: "well if you want the job still you can take it."
"Kurapika:"thanks so much."
"Neon: "your welcome. Bye."

Neon hangs up.

"I wonder who would text her that.." kurapika thinks to himself.

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