Chapter 11: Neon

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Finally everyone is done changing and they separate into groups. (Alluka Zushi and Retz in sand. Gon Killua Leoiro Kurapika water.)

"Jeez it's freezing! Leoiro complains. Kurapika laughs. "Did you think this is a hot tub? It's a beach dummy." Says Kurapika. The two start fighting like a old married couple.

"They obviously like each other." Whispers Killua to Gon who nods. "I think everyone knows already." Says Gon with a soft smile painted on his face. Killua turns pink a bit but then nods and looks away to avoid eye contact.

——-meanwhile with the trio on the sand———
"Ughhhhhh~ I won't tan~" complains Zushi "you already look tan you cry baby." Says Retz while drinking ice cold water with a lemon. "You guys seriously can't stop arguing for two minutes can you?" Says Alluka.

"It's not my fault he wants to look like a damn apple." Says Retz. "Stop bullying me." Says Zushi. "Nah." Says Retz. Alluka sighs.

"Someone save me." Alluka whispers to herself.

——with Hisoka & Lilumi.———

"Why exactly did we follow them on this vacation?" Hisoka asks. "Well I want that mistakes Nen. If I can control it the Zoldycks will be powerful. Way powerful then now." Says Lilumi.

"Oh. Well that's Gonna be hard since there so powerful." Says Hisoka. "I know. So I need a distraction. And that's you." Says Lilumi. "Oh so I can toy with them~?" Hisoka asks while smirking.

"If you can get them out of my hair and I can get my hands on the mistake yes." Says Lilumi. Hisoka smirks.

"Let's see what I can do~"

——-With Alluka Zushi & Retz———-

"I didn't steal your bow you stupid!" Yells Zushi. "Shut up! I know you did!" Yells Retz. Alluka sighs when she hears a buzz. She looks over to see it's Kurapika's phone. "Be back gonna give this to Kurapika." Says Alluka.

Retz and Zushi are too busy arguing to listen. Alluka sighs and walks to shore where Leoiro and Kurapika are talking while Killua and Gon play with water guns in the water.

"Kurapika for you." Says Alluka handing Kurapika his phone. "Thanks." Says Kurapika taking it. Alluka nods and leaves. Leoiro sneaks a peak to see the contact "Neon." On Kurapika's phone.

Neon💙: there's something I gotta confess to you.

Kurapika stares at the text confused. Leoiro knows exactly what is gonna happen.

Neon is gonna say she's in love with Kurapika.

Leoiro snatched the phone out of Kurapika's hand.

(Ooooo the tension. Get ready for Leopika drama.)

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