Chapter 6: Not good Surprises

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They all walk to the restaurant which is near by surprisingly. "The view here is so pretty." Says Alluka. Zushi smiles at Alluka's happiness while Killua glares at Zushi.

"I hope they have good food." Says Retz. "Forget the food I hope they have good drinks." Leoiro winks. "Leoiro we are with 16 year olds or less. They can't drink." Says Kurapika roiling his eyes. "Doesn't mean we can't." Says Leoiro scoffing.

Gon giggles at Leoiro and Kurapika. Killua finds himself staring at Gon. They make it to the restaurant that sadly had a club downstairs. Leoiro dragged Kurapika away.

"Hope they don't get too drunk." Says Retz. "Kurapika most likely won't but I can see him dragging Leoiro back and he will be out of it." Says Zushi sighing. Gon laughs. They all find seats and sit down.

Alluka and Retz are having girl talk while Zushi Gon and Killua eat there meals. Gon and Zushi start talking about whatever.

Gon is next to Killua. His phone is in the middle of where there hands are. Killua stares when it gets a notification.

TrainerBisky💙: see you tomorrow!

Killua's eyes wide.

"Bisky?!" He all of a sudden yells. Luckily it was too loud in the restaurant so no one heard expect the table. "Bisky?" Says Retz confused. "Oh right bisky is gonna join us at the beach-house." Says Gon.

"What next?! Damn Hisoka??" Asks Killua  confused.

"Maybe I don't know~" says a voice from behind Killua. Everyone looks scared to see the one and only Hisoka there.

"Didn't expect to see you kids here. But I'm glad I did~" says Hisoka. Gon let's out a small gasp. "Oh I missed you Gon." Says Hisoka putting his hands on Gon's shoulders.

Killua glares. "Uhm why the hell is a clown looking Christmas ornament here?" Asks Retz confused.

Everyone stares at Retz awkwardly. Even Hisoka.

"Excuse me?" Says Hisoka. "Oh did I say that out loud?" Asks Retz. "Yes you did." Says Gon while signing. "Oops." Retz simply says.

"This ain't gonna end well." Says Zushi. "3..2..1.." says Alluka. "RUN!" they all yell at the same time. They all run into the crowd in the restaurant and downstairs to the club area to find Kurapika & Leoiro.

"Oh I didn't expect that." Says lilumi coming out of the shadows. "well let the fun begin." Says Hisoka simply while smirking.

The teens run into the club area desperately to find Kurapika and Leoiro and get the hell out of that restaurant.

Hisoka takes out a deck of cards. "Splitting up?" He asks simply. "I guess so." Says lilumi.

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