Chapter 13: Hisoka's plan unfolds

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The group walks to a near by pizza place. They order what they want and start to dig in. "So when you gonna confess to Gon?" Leoiro asks whispering to Killua.

"E-eh?! Where did you get that from?!" Killua whisper yells. "It's obvious." Says Leoiro with his mouth full. "W-well not any time soon I think.." says Killua. "Well don't make it forever." Says Leoiro.

Bisky looks up from her plate. "So is anyone here up for would you rather?" She asks with a grin.

"Ooh! Sounds fun." Says Alluka with a smile. Zushi smiles at Alluka's smile. Until Killua death glares him and Zushi stops.

"Well Alluka would you rather date Gon or Zushi?" Asks Bisky. Alluka looks stunned. Killua thinks to himself.

"The f? I don't want her saying Gon because I like him. But I also don't want her saying Zushi since I don't want her to date anyone." Thinks Killua. And then Killua realizes he's being selfish. And if Alluka likes Zushi she can.

"Zushi.." says Alluka hesitant. Zushi blush's and looks away. "Good to know." Says Bisky while smirking. Gon laughs nervously. "This is awkward.." he says. "Can I go next?" Asks Retz.

"Sure." Says Bisky. "Leoiro would you rather a backflip into lava or a backflip into knifes?" Asks Retz. "Do you want my death or something?! What kind of would you rather is that?!" Says Leoiro.

Everyone laughs but Leoiro.

"It's just a game." Says Kurapika still giggling a bit. "Ugh... knifes." Says Leoiro hesitantly. Everyone laughs again at Leoiro's reaction.

Kurapika's phone buzz's.

Neon💙: you there? You didn't answer my text.

Leoiro is the only one to see this text. He then puts Kurapika's phone on silent out of jealousy. Gladly no one saw or heard.

-with Hisoka-

"I got a plan up my sleeve~ this should work well." Says Hisoka with a grin. He then pulls out his phone.

He makes a mystery contact.

???: You know Kurapika is dating someone. And there trying to get you away from kurapika.

Neon💙: who is this?!

???: don't you want revenge? On the person that is taking kurapika away from you?

Neon💙 ...

???: just say yes~

Neon💙: I want revenge.

???: then get your dad to get rid Kurapika.

Neon💙: how is that gonna help?

???: trust me. Once Kurapika is away from his job he will come crawling back.

Neon💙: okay..

Hisoka smirks.

All according to plan.

(((Srry if Neon seems bad in this book. She's one of my favs so don't think I hate her. Just so you know she's being tricked by Hisoka. She will find out later)))

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