Chapter 16: Quietness

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Ever since those 2 days the beach house has been Quiet. Gon has been sleeping on the couch to avoid Killua. Kurapika has been in the room not coming out. Leoiro has to sleep on a mattress in Killua's room.

——timeline: night———

"So you got in a fight with Gon?" Leoiro whispers to Killua. "Yes.. i don't know what to do.. I think I ruined my chances with him.." says Killua in a soft emotional voice. "Same with Kurapika.. I didn't mean to get him fired.. I don't even know how I did." Says Leoiro.

"It's the Neon girl I think." Says Killua. "Me too. I think Neon fired him because she was jealous." Says Leoiro. "Mhm." Says Killua.

"Part of it is my fault kinda." Says Leoiro. "How?" Killua asks raising his eye brow. "Well when Neon would text I would put Kurapika's text on silent. I was jealous I admit. But now I see how much it affected this." Says Leoiro in a soft guilty voice.

"I see. I get jealous easily too. Your not the only one." Says Killua. "I could tell. Retz isn't it?" Says Leoiro. "Yup. But it's obvious she doesn't have feelings for Gon. I was overreacting." Says Killua.

"I guess we both overreacted." Says Leoiro with a soft smile. "We should both apologize to them tomorrow. And explain our selfs." Says Leoiro.

"It might be a bit hard for me.." says Killua. "How?" Asks Leoiro. "Uhm.."

Killua thinks back to the moment.

"Uhm I don't wanna talk about it." Says Killua with a light blush on his face. "Oh it's fine." Says Leoiro closing his eyes to sleep. Killua does the same.

———with Neon——-

"Ugh I have been calling this stupid ??? Number for days and they won't pick up." Neon complains. "Maybe I should of talked to Kurapika before I fired him.." says Neon in a Quilty voice.

Kurapika tosses and turns in bed. "Maybe I shouldn't have been harsh on Leoiro.." says Kurapika to himself. "No! He deserves it. He got me fired." Kurapika turns to the other side of the bed and slowly closes his eyes.

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