Chapter 12: Feelings

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"What the hell Leoiro?" Says Kurapika. "I-I'm sorry it's just-" says Leoiro before Kurapika taking back the phone.

"Wait Kurapika-" says Leoiro who gets cut off by Kurapika opening his mouth and looking straight at Leoiro. "Leoiro do you have feelings for me?" Asks Kurapika in a serious voice.

Leoiro's face turns all red and he just stares at Kurapika. There was no point of lying. Leoiro sighs and then looks at Kurapika with soft eyes.

"Yes I do."

Kurapika's face turns a bit pink. He then leans in and softly kisses Leoiro.

"G-Gon look!" Says Killua grabbing Gon's shoulders making him look at the scene. Gon's eyes wide. "Woah." Gon says in shock.

Kurapika leans away from Leoiro. Leoiro's while face is red so is Kurapika's. "A-are we a thing..?" Asks Leoiro. Kurapika looks stunned but then softly smiles.


"Well that went smooth." Says Killua not taking his hand's off Gon's shoulders. "Yup." Says Gon.

The trio stares from far away.

"Wow." Says Zushi. "I didn't expect on our second day here a couple would happen." Says Zushi. "Yesss!" Squeals Alluka. Zushi smiles at the sight but quickly looks away. Retz stares sadly.

"I feel so singleeee." She says in a dramatic voice. "I'm single too. So is Alluka." Says Zushi. "But you two obviously are interested in each otherrr." Retz says while smirking.

Alluka and Zushi both turn a shade of pink. "N-no! Shut up!" Says Zushi. Alluka nods with a face of defense. "Keep telling yourself's that." Says Retz before jumping up from the beach blanket they were all sitting on and walks away to where the others are.

Alluka and Zushi both think the same thing.

"We don't have feelings for each other.. right?"

——-timeskip: hour later.———

Bisky walks onto the beach. She has a pink umbrella and is swinging her hips. "Hello everyone!~" she says in a charming voice.

"Hey old hag." Says Killua. Bisky immediately bonks his head. "Nice to see you Bisky!" Says Gon. "At least Gon has manners." Says Bisky.

"Whatever." Says Killua. "Nice to meet you Bisky we heard a lot of things about you." Says Kurapika while holding Leoiro's hand. "Love birds~" says Alluka. "Oooh?" Says Bisky.

"Shut up." Says Leoiro while blushing and looking at Alluka. "Don't tell her to shut up." Says Killua sternly. Leoiro immediately Zips his mouth up.

"Woah! It's been a long time since I saw you lady Bisky! Since you came over to see Wing." Says Zushi. "I know~" Bisky says with a wink. ((Pls she's not flirting with Zushi she is just trying to seem young.))

"Anyways should we go get something to eat?" Retz asks. They all start taking.

"Found you~" says Hisoka licking his card and watching from a distance.

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