Chapter 2: Success!

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Alluka proudly storms to Killua's room and swings the door open. Killua was on his bed reading.

"Jeez so aggressive. What is it Alluka?" Asks Killua in a stern voice. Even though Killua's voice was aways serious he genuinely cared for Alluka. It's just how he was taught.

"Pack your bags big brother we are going to a beach house!" Says Alluka proudly while pointing at his closet. "Eh?! We don't have that money Alluka!" Says Killua shocked dropping the book he was reading.

"Well big brother that's when Milluki's credit card comes in." Says Alluka sweetly. "Anyways it's for 2 weeks and I'm gonna get Gon,Kurapika, and Leoiro to come. Says Alluka proudly while putting her hands on her hips.

Killua stared in shock. He was proud of Alluka for getting her hands on Milluki's credit card. And the other part he was kinda scared of seeing Kurapika Leorio and Gon again.

"Well pack your bags we are leaving in 3 days~" says Alluka with a proud smile. "Wait how would we get the others to come?" Asks Killua a bit freaked out. "That's where Nanika comes in."

Says Alluka with a smirk

(With Gon Zushi & Retz)

Gon is currently sitting in the middle of the couch with Retz on one side and Zushi on the other.

There watching a movie. Retz is eating chips loudly while Zushi is glaring at her. Gon gets a text on his phone.
Alluka🦄: GONNN! This Saturday meet us at the airport because we are going on vacation to a beach house~💗

Gon stares in shock at the text. Beach house?
Gonfreakss: eh?! What do you mean????

Alluka🦄: I got money for us to go to a beach house🌸 don't ask where I got it. Anyways kurapika and Leoiro will come too. And Killua pls comeee.

Gonfreakss: Well I guess I could come.. wait how did you get my number?

Alluka🦄: killua ofc idiot.

Gonfreakss: I'm not a idiot :(

Alluka🦄: keep telling yourself that ^^

Alluka left the chat.

Gon just stares awkwardly at the text. Zushi and Retz read the text and Retz drops the bowel of chips. "Oh my god?! A beach house?! Can we come?!" She asks with her eyes sparkling. "Yeah I wanna come too!" Says Zushi.

"You guys need to pay for yourself's." Says Gon while sticking his tongue out. "No fair." Says Retz while pouting. "Wait Wing gave me allowance so I might be able to pay!" Says Zushi happily. Retz pouts. "I have no money I low key broke." Says Retz.

"I think I have enough to split." Says Zushi. Retz looks over with puppy dog eyes. "Fine." Says Zushi while sighing. Retz jumps in the air. "Thanks Zushi!" She yells. "You can have the rest of the chips!" Retz says.

"There on the floor dumb dumb." Says Zushi. "Oops." Says Retz giggling nervously. Gon softly smiles at this interaction. Gon then looks back at his phone.

This Saturday.. the four would see each other again.

Gon softly smiles again.

(Things are getting weirddddd. Anyways Retz Zushi and Gon as a trio>>>)

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