Chapter 8: Brave

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Alluka watch's in shock at the situation. She trembles a bit.

Zushi is coughing and his face is starting to get blue from lilumi's grasp. Retz is yelling and holding onto Lilumi's arm for dear life trying to get him to drop Zushi. All of a sudden Alluka's face turns pale. Her eyes turn black.


".put.him.down." Says Nanika in a stern voice. Lilumi stares at Nanika and drops Zushi. Retz runs over to Zushi and bursts in tears while holding him tight.

Lilumi turns over to Nanika. "Oh your finally here." Says Lilumi in a stern voice. Nanika extends her hand out. "" She says. "Or I will kill you on the spot." Says Nanika. Lilumi stares for a few more seconds before sighing and beginning to walk away.

He stops for a second not turning to look at the teens and says a few last words. "This won't be the last." Lilumi says finally before leaving.

Alluka's face turns back to normal. Alluka runs over to Zushi and Retz. "Are you guys ok?!" She asks in a desperate voice. "Yeah.. Zushi is fine.. just bruises on his neck.." says Retz with a few tear drops falling from her eyes.

The trio then notices familiar people show up.

"You guys ok?!" Asks Gon racing up to them with Killua behind him with concerned looks. Kurapika shortly after shows up while carrying a passed out Leoiro on his back who also looks concerned.

"We are fine.." Alluka says slowly. They all nod. "We should get back.." says Killua. Gon nods slowly. They all stand up and begin to walk back to the beach house which is luckily close.

Zushi is walking next to Alluka. "Alluka.. do you mind me asking what was that with the white face and black eyes..?" Zushi asks. Alluka sweats. "I should explain when we get back to the beach house.." says Alluka. "You don't have to tell us yet. We are just worried." Says Zushi.

"No it's fine I will tell you guys..." says Alluka shyly smiling. A bit of pink appears on Zushi's face. "Mhm.." Zushi says nodding with a smile on his face.

"Is your neck gonna be ok?" Asks Alluka. "Well Leoiro can aways bandage it up. And it only hurts when I poke it." Says Zushi with a shy smile. "So it does hurt." Says Alluka with a sad concerned face. "No no no I'm fine." Says Zushi.

"I can help you bandage it up when we get back." Says Alluka while softly smiling. A bit of blush is on Zushi's face. He then nods.

"Thank you Alluka."

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