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Ever since the day you'd held him in your arms, it seemed like Denji went through a complete 180 in regards to how he acted around you, with him and Pochita always being near you.

It was definitely adorable, but just the tiniest bit annoying.

Whenever all of you went to get groceries the boy would always be seen holding onto your hand, and if your hands were occupied, then he'd grip onto your shirt. It was a lot of work ironing out the wrinkles he'd caused.

Denji had finally gotten a taste of the affection he never knew he needed for so long, and he wasn't about to let it go so easily.

"How come Denji doesn't have to go to school?"
Your son pouted.

"Well, Aki, Denji's never actually been to a school before, so it's my job to catch him up to speed,"

Aki crossed his arms,

You let out a laugh while you patted your son's head,
"Don't worry, Denji will be going to school with you soon enough,"

Aki smiled at the thought, and then frowned. The possibility of Denji embarrassing him was imminent.


It was late at night and right before you were able to fall asleep, you noticed someone slipping into your room, standing at your bed.

Denji stood at your bed for a while debating whether or not he'd ask for help. The boy knew that it must've been a lot of work taking care of two kids all by yourself, and didn't want to be too much of a bother.

"Denji, you need something?"

The boy jolted when he heard your voice.

He walked over to your side of the bed,
"I can't sleep..."

You hummed in response, scooting away from him before opening up your blanket. He took the opportunity to get into bed with you.

"Did you have a bad dream?"
You asked.

He nodded his head,
"I saw a door... and someone told me not to go through it,"

It didn't seem like too bad of a dream to you, but hey, it might've been scary for a seven year old.

"That doesn't sound too good. But now that you're here, hopefully you won't see the door,"

He liked the sound of that.

The boy cuddled closer to you, enjoying your warmth. He'd never done anything like this before, confiding to someone other than his dog, or having someone to hold him while he fell asleep.

He felt so safe when he was in your arms.

"Goodnight, Denji,"

He let out a yawn before replying,
"Goodnight, mister,"


Today was a special day for Denji. He gets his own clothes now!

For the past few weeks he'd just been using the clothes that Aki didn't fit into anymore, but none of them really matched his style (if the boy even had one).

You took both of the children the store to buy some clothes.

"Dad, can I get this sword please?"

"Hand it over, Aki,"

Your son handed you the foam sword, and after some inspection, you seemed it safe enough for the house.

"We'll get it. You want me to put it in the cart or do you want to hold it?"

He didn't say anything in response, instead just holding out his hand. You gave him the sword and he seemed very happy about it.

Seeing this, Denji realized that he also wanted a cool toy!

"Hey mister, can I get this?"

You turned to the smaller boy only to find he was holding a tow chainsaw that was much too big for him.

You inspected the toy and deemed it safe and cheap enough for play.

"Sure thing, bud. Let's put it in the cart though, I'm not sure your arms are strong enough to carry it the whole time,"

The boy pouted as you put his toy in the cart though he knew you were right. Still, he was excited.


On another night, you and your two boys were on the couch, both of them laying their heads on you as they snored in their sleep.

They were just so adorable! You were happy they both felt comfortable enough to sleep next to you and considered you a safe space.

You looked at Denji as he slept peacefully with Pochita in his arms.

Maybe it was time for a new addition to the family.


Father of three (Little!CSM + Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now