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You brushed through your daughter's hair, with her humming softly as you did so. After your brush with death, all of your children made sure to enjoy every moment with you to the fullest, not taking anything for granted.

"You said you wanted a ponytail today, right?"
You asked.

She nodded,
"Mhm. People with ponytails are super smart, I saw it on TV!"

A smile formed on your lips, and you decided not to tell her the truth.

You used the elastic to tie up her hair, and pulled a mirror out for her to see.

"I look so smart! Thanks dad!"
She gave you a hug before running off to show her siblings.

Though they were a bit more sentimental now, for the most part your children had recovered from the incident, and you were glad they were getting back to normal. Though they did have some new behaviors.

Early in the morning while you had your morning coffee/tea/water, Denji would somehow sense you were up, and would sit on your lap before falling back asleep. It was adorable of course, but sometimes it got in the way of some of your tasks.

And Aki even started letting you hold his hand in public again! It was sweet seeing him letting you be affectionate towards him in public again, a couple of months ago he expressed how it made him feel a bit embarrassed, but now he didn't seem to mind.

Once again you were a happy little family, and you wouldn't have it any other way. Though there were some other parts of your life that needed a little bit of fixing.

Kishibe sat uncharacteristically anxiously in front of you, not even registering that a cup of coffee had been placed in front of him.

"Relax Kishibe, this isn't a date. I only decided to meet up with you to tell you some things,"

Though his hopes were diminished, he was still happy to have the opportunity to even hang out with you. This was progress!

"After I almost died, I realized something. I don't want to keep on hating you,"

You saw his eyes sparkle and immediately decided to stop that,
"Or really I just don't want to die while hating someone I know,"

The sparkle faded slightly.

"We used to be friends, and I hate to admit it but I think I might actually miss that,"
You explained, not making eye contact with him.

"But when you confessed to me right after Quanxi had come out to you, I felt like I was just a rebound to you. Expendable, like a fallback plan,"
You tightened your grip around your mug.

"If you want to at least be acquaintances with me, then you need to promise that you won't do something like that again, alright?"
You raised a brow while speaking.

He nodded enthusiastically,
"I promise!"

You sighed,
"And just in case I've been leading you on, which I haven't been, I need you to understand that I'm not into you,"

While your words did stab his heart, a part of him felt okay with that. At least he'd have a friend again.

"Can I keep trying?"
He asked, pushing the limits.

You sighed,
"I guess you can. But could you at least try to tone it down a little bit?"

He gave you a thumbs up,
"You got it!"

You were already beginning to regret your decision. It was true, you did want to be friends with him again, but at the same time, spending so much time away from him made how annoying he could be so apparent.

Another part of why you decided to rekindle your friendship was because he sort of seemed kind of lonely, and you were getting sad thinking about how he spent most of his time alone. Plus, it'd be good if you didn't absolutely abhor the man Aki looked up to.

Kishibe was hoping that maybe he'd eventually worm his way into your heart, but he was beginning to feel like it was unlikely. But whatever, at least he'd have his friend back. Hell, at least he'd have a friend now.

(Idk why I'm making him a pathetic lonely loser it kind of just happened).

"Quanxi's having a party later this week, and I convinced her to let you come. I'm trusting that you'll act responsibly. Think you can do that?"

"I'll be the most responsible person you've ever seen!"
He responded with pride.

You weren't sure if it was a good decision to rebuild this bridge, but you were getting desperate for free babysitters. You could only ask Quanxi so many times before she'd get tired of it, and you were worried she'd start reading her murder mystery novels out loud to the children.

Even though life had thrown you a bad hand recently, it seemed like things were beginning to change for the better.


Youre still not gonna romance him but I feel like you might need a free babysitter

Father of three (Little!CSM + Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now