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"You're name is Power? THATS so cool!"

The girl puffed out her chest confidently with a proud smile.

Denji turned towards you,
"I wanna have a cool name too! Like... uh... chainsaw man!"

"Not gonna happen little man. Now go to your room, Pochita's been waiting for you,"

The boy nodded happily before running away.

"Power, this is Aki, my first son,"

She gasped. The first born! The heir to your throne!

Aki wasn't quite sure what to do, so he instinctively patted the girls head like he did with Denji sometimes.

It seemed like she liked that, a happy expression on her face.

You were glad Aki was a natural at being an older brother, but you also had some worries attached to that that'd have to be addressed sometime.

"Okay Aki, I can take it from here,"
You gave the boy a kiss on the forehead before he left for his room.

Then you looked at the girl.
"Okay Power, do you wanna watch cartoons or something?"

She raised a brow,
"What are cartoons?"


The girl was enamored with what was playing on the TV, enjoying the superhero cartoon you'd put on for her.

While she was distracted, you called another one of your friends, asking her to visit.

Thankfully she arrived pretty quickly.

"Quanxi! It's good to see you, how're you and your girlfriends doing?"

"We're doing good. I brought the clothes like you'd asked,"

She held out a box, and you took it from her, placing it on the ground beside you.

"Thank you so much again, everything's been so sudden lately,"

She nodded,
"If you want me to kill Kishibe, let me know,"

"That's alright, I'd rather do it myself,"

She smirked before leaving to go do whatever she did for work, which honestly was still a bit of a mystery to you. The reason you called her over was to ask if she still had any clothes from when she was about the same age as Power, and to your surprise, she did.

Apparently she'd forgotten to get rid of them, but when you opened the box and saw the price tags still attached to the clothes, a smile formed on your lips. You'd definitely need to repay her somehow.

(This means she bought new clothes for you to give to power because she's nice like that in this fic).

"Power! I've got new clothes for you!"

She ran hurriedly over to you and jumped up and down to try and get a glimpse of what was in the box. You decided to empty its contents onto the ground, sorting the clothes by their types.

It'd almost seemed as if Quanxi had bought out an entire store with the amount and diversity of the clothes she'd given you. There was even a little princess dress in there! You had a short giggle over imagining her buying that, and then looked over to Power.

She was absolutely stunned. She'd never seen this many clothes in one place like this before! She wanted to wear them all!

"They're all yours, and you can choose your own outfit tomorrow if you'd like?"

She smiled brightly before grabbing all the clothes from the ground and running them over to her room, Nyanko following her slowly.

Oh yeah, she had a cat. Hopefully it'd get along with Pochita.

Kishibe when I find your ass you're done for.


"Eat your veggies! The farmers worked hard for them!"
Denji scolded, which was honestly very cute.

The girl pouted,
"I don't wanna! They're icky!"

You sighed as the girl complained. Fortunately your other two boys weren't that picky, so you could feed them tasty and healthy food, but for some, vegetables were a evil.

At least she ate the rest of her food. Still, you didn't want any waste.

"Hey Power, you wanna be a super cool and powerful hero, right?"

She nodded.

You grabbed a fork and stabbed one of the broccolis before using puppetting the veggie around.

"Mwah ha ha! I'm an evil broccoli, and I'm gonna conquer the world! Nobody can stop me!"

The girl scowled,
"Nuh uh! I'm gonna conquer the world!"

You put the broccoli close to her mouth,
"Well what're you gonna do about it?"

She thought for a moment before comping down on the vegetable, smiling triumphantly after swallowing.

"Look out Power, the rest of his minions want revenge!"

In response to that, she ate the rest of her broccoli. It didn't taste good, but the taste of victory more than made up for it in her eyes.

The large meal and exciting day had tired out the little girl, and after a few loud yawns, you led her to her room where you tucked her in for the night.

"Goodnight Power,"

You got no response, she was out cold.

Denji spent the rest of his evening in his room with Pochita, giving you some much needed alone time with your first son.

You put a hand on his shoulder.
"Aki, I know this must be hard for you, and I'm so sorry about it all,"

He sighed,
"I know, there's nothing you could've done,"

He knew you were too nice to refuse an orphaned child from your home, but he did wish you were a bit more selfish sometimes.

"You won't forget about me, right?"
He mustered up the courage to ask.

Your eyes widened in shock. How could he think of something like that?

You hugged him tightly,
"Never in a million years. You're also my son, I'll love you all equally no matter what,"

He really just wanted to cry right then and there, hearing the words he wanted to hear from his old family.

"I love you, dad,"

You kissed his forehead,
"I love you too, Aki,"



Father of three (Little!CSM + Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now