chapter 1

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Hi! My name is Aubrey Denise Jones . I am 17 years old,i am brown skin , with a good body, with black curly hair. My dad is Kansas city number 1 drugdealer / gang Banger. He's over protective . But I have 3 more siblings but they are triplets. My brothers , Bryant, Bayron, Brandon. My brothers are sneaky but me being there little sister it doesn't gets past me.

"BREEEYY GET UP!!". Bayron said. He likes really messing with me . I'm going to fuck him up one of these days. "GET the fuck out ". I said with an attitude. 1. I hate being woken out of my sleep. "Well you need to get, or you can walk to school." He said stealing a dollar off my dresser . Broke ass it's more where that came from.

I got up and went in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth then took a 15 minute shower. When I got out I walked to my closet and picked out me my white crop top, bleached jeans & my Jordan inferred 6's. I put my hair in a curly ball and put my gold watch , gold hoop earings and left out. I went downstairs & bryant , bayron , & brandon were waiting for me . I dont know why im only riding with one person. "Who you riding with"?. Bryant said . " Brandon of course , yall know i dont fuck with yall fake hoes." I said laughing they already knew that Brandon and me where eachothers favorite. "Fine then be boosie , but brandon you know we gotta make a stop so I guess she got to come." Brandon shook his head and we left out the house.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'll do another part of this story

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