I Feel Like ?!

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TaNias Pov

-I Woke Up Happy Cause Today I Will Be Able To Find Out The Gender Of My Baby . I Taken I Should Find Out Now Since I'm Only 7 Months . I Went Into Aubreys Room Where I Heard Her Breast Pumping Machine Going I Laughed To Myself And Opened Up The Door . "Lol Girl You Can Here That Machine Going On From A Mile Away". I Said Causing Her To Laugh .

-"Girl This Milk Is Good Ass Fuck , But What You Up So Early For". She Said Placing Her Boobs Back In Her Bra., And Putting The Milk In A Bag And Taking Them Downstairs . I Followed Behind And Told Her. "Today Is My Doctors Appointment , And I Was Hopping You And Bryant Would Come With Me". I Said Cheesing Hard . She Laughed And Hugged Me And Said Yes . And Went Upstairs Cause We Heard Jamals Little Cry . I Walked Aubrey Ran . She's Overprotective .

Aubreys Pov

-I Heard My Baby Cry I Almost Had A Heart Attack . "Semaj Whats Wrong With Him? " I Said Out Of Breath Panting . "Aubrey Calm Down , He Just Woke Up , He Is Hungry". Semaj Said Smartly . I Rolled My Eyes And Grabbed My Stinka Butt And Kissed His Head . "I Don't Get That , Man Thats Not Fair , Jamal You Taking My Women Away From Me ". Semaj Said Pounting Causing Jamal To Smile And Semaj & Me To Burst Out Laughing. I Kissed Semaj Lips And Fed My Baby And Getting Dressed . "Baby Where You Going". Semaj Questioned Walking In The Bathroom With Jamal . "I'm Going To TaNias Doctor Appointment With Her". I Replied Getting Out And Putting My Towel Around My Body . He Nodded And Bit His Lip At Me. I Smiled And Mouthed "Cant Just Had A Baby". He Laughed And We Both Walked Out.

-I Went To The Dresser Grabbed My Black Boy Shorts , And Training Bra . I Then Walked To The Closet And Grabbed My Bleach Ripped Jeans And White Tank Top And Nike Flip Flops . I Put My Hair In A Raggedy Bun And Kissed Jamal And Semaj And Went Downstairs To See Braynt And Tania Not Saying A Word To Each Other .

Brayant Pov

-We Was In The Car Me And TaNia In The Front And Aubrey In The Back . The Car Ride Was So Silent . So Aubrey Plugged In Her Head Phones And Closed Her Eyes . TaNia Was About To Do The Same But I Stopped Her . "TaNia Talk To Me , We Haven't Said A Word But Good Morning". I Said Looking At Her But The Back At The Road . She Just Rolled Her Eyes And Plugged In Her HeadPhones . After That We Pull Up To The Hospital . I Helped TaNia Out Of The Car , And Helped Aubrey . Even Though She Not Pregnant I'm Still Kind . We Get To The Pregnacy Part Of The Building And Wait For Our Names To Be Called .

We Stood Up And Went Back To The Room .

TaNia Pov

-"Oaky Ma'am We Are Gonna Have You Lay Up Here And Lift Up Your Shirt". The Nurse Said , I Followed Her Directions And Did As So . She Rubbed Cold Ointment On My Belly And Scanned My Stomach Until She Found My Baby . "And It Turns Out We Have A Baby Girl"! The Nurse Said Smiling , I Smiled And Brayant Laughed And Gave Me A Kiss . Aubrey Was Recording The Whole Entire Time . "Umm Mrs. Bronson Can I Talk To You In Private Please". The Doctor Said Stepping Into The Room . I Nodded And Aubrey Got Up But Bryant Stayed
"I'm The Father I'm Gonna Need To Know". He Said , The Doctor Nodded .

"Umm Well Your Baby When Your Baby Is Born , I'm So Sorry , But Its Only Gonna Live For A Couple Of Hours ". He Said And I Bursted Out Crying . No Was All I Could Think About . I Don't Want My Baby To Die At Birth .

*Next Day*

Aubreys Pov

-"Jamal You Have Absolutely No Reason To Be Crying". I Said , He Has Been Up Since 6:00 Crying . "Aubrey Whats Wrong With Him?" Semaj Asked Grabbing Jamal And Walking Downstairs . Personally I Don't Know How Semaj Can Sleep Through When The Baby Is Crying , As Soon As I Hear My Child Crying I Pop My Head Up So Fast And Immediately Grab Him . This Is So Scary .

-But Back To Reality TaNia Walked In The Room , Looks Like She Been Crying . "Aubrey I'm Sorry Me And Braynt Must Have Woke Jamal Up". She Stated Sitting On The Bed Covering Her Arm And Leg Up . I Tilted My Head To The Side Hoping To See What She Was Hiding . But I Couldnt . "What Was You Guys Doing At 6:00 In The Morning?" I Asked Not Knowing What I Am Getting Myself InTo . She Sighed And Removed Her Sleeve And Robe That Was Covering Her Leg . I Gasph And Got Up . "Aubrey Please Don't Say Anything It Was A Mistake". She Said Grabbing My Hand . "TaNia That Was No Mistake He Beat You While Your Pregnant For No Reason At All , And My Moma Don't Play About Her Sons Hitting A Female". I Said While Snatching My Hand Away From Her And Grabbing The Cup Of Water On The Stand And Walking To There Bed Room . I Opened The Door To A Sleeping Bryant And Poured The Water On His Face Making Him Jump Up . "Man What The Fuck Aubrey ". He Yelled In His Deep Morning Voice . "Don't What The Fuck Me , How Could You Do That To The Mother Of Your Child". I Yelled Causing Everyone Including Pops To Burst In . "Aubrey Bryant What Are You Two Doing This Early"? Daddy Said . I Looked At Daddy Then At TaNia And She Put Her Head Down . "Bryant Why Would You Do That , She's The Mother Of Your Child ". I Said Softly . "Aubrey Before You Even Say Anything , Braynt Answer My Question , Do You Even Love Me?". TaNia Said Sitting On The Bed . Bryant Didn't Say Anything . TaNia Ran / Woddled Away . "Why Did You Put Your Hands On Her"? I Said Causing Pops To Punch Him Dead In His Chest . He Huffed In Pain And Walked Out .

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