it's time .

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semaj pov

- I called up some more boys so they can help . currently we were still at Davon house getting our guns ready . " aye bro listen , I know you ready to get her and all , but you got to take your time , and calm down , you stressing to much " . brandon said as everybody came next to us . I nodded my head . and continued to load my gun , I don't want this nigga breathing when I'm done with him . My phone vibrated , it was aubrey , I told everybody to shut up so I can hear what she saying .

- " semaj okay berry just left to go to the store , he said he will be back in 1 hour so that means that you have exactly 1 hour to get over here and get me" . aubrey said , I yelled at the boys to get in the vans and head to the destination they were holding aubrey at . the whole car ride I was hoping that berry bitch will show up so I can kick his ass . but I had to stop stressing , my main focus was on my wife .

- we pull up behind the building , I told the boys to be quiet so we can say a little silent prayer . " lord we know we finna do some crazy stuff right now , and we hope you can forgive us , let each one of my brothers make it out alive , and let aubrey make it out alive  ..... amen ". everybody said amen and we all took are places . it's about to go down .

authors pov 😜 .

- semaj yelled into the walkie talkie telling everybody to go now ! the kicked down doors & shot anyone in sight . semaj and brandon were right next to each other holding down each other . he knows aubrey wouldn't want to loose another brother .

- berry has been back from the store and is currently Upstairs with aubrey walking back and forth not knowing what's going on . aubrey as usual sitting down on the bed with her legs crossed and a bruised up face .she knew what was going on , she felt it . berry was talking to her , but she wasn't listening , so he hit her dead ass in her face making her nose bleed . aubrey held her face , that punch was a little more harder . she thought . just as berry was about to hit her again semaj and Lewis came in the room and tackled him . Lewis grabbed aubrey and looked at her face , while semaj was wrestling with berry on the floor .

semaj pov

- " nigga *punch* don't *punch* ever hit my wife again pussy * punch punch * " . was all I was doing , when I seen him raise his hand I dogged right in . I felt brandon pull me off of him . I grabbed my gun and aimed it at him , " nah man don't do this , I got a family ". his pussy ass pleaded , but nah fuck that , he ain't getting away with that shit . I shot him in his arms , thigh , shoulder , foot , and then I smiled as I fired of my gun until the bullets was empty . I told all my boys to clear out and burn this bitch down . my mind wasn't focused on berry no more , my mind was focused on my wife . I ran outside & I felt bullets hit my side , I heard aubrey scream but I couldn't do nothing . I was stuck . brandon was shooting at  whoever  . while Davon and more dudes picked me up . then I blacked out

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