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aubrey 🌸 .

ever since we came back to kansas city , everything has been peaceful . yall like the contacts ? them eyebrows on fleek huh ? the hair .. it's natural 💇 . don't mind the picture though , semaj kept messing with me . my baby in my stomach is now 7 months . yes only 3 more months and I can see my first baby girl . the triplets ? they doing good , they had some catching up to do , they argue and fight on the regular like they normally do . daddy was happy to see bayron again , he wouldn't let go of him when he seen him come through the door .

bayron is happy that he a uncle , but mad that I lost my virginity , 😐 . like nigga I'm grown 😐 . married 😐 . graduated school with a 4.0 😐  . he better leave me alone 😐 .

semaj ... what about him , my husband SO FUCKING SEXY 😍 . BOAH I CAN JUST RIDE HIM ....( aubrey that's nasty chill for a second ) I'm sorry , but he just so fine , I'm glad he mine AYEE BARS ! lol anyway back to the book

Carlos pov 😈 .

I was walking inside the school , I was dumb tired from staying up all night studying . thank God that school is over in 2 days .

" hey Carlos ". keke said to me . I smiled I actually liked her , she likes me , but she doesn't know I like her back . I winked at her a kept it moving . I heard her friends mumble " bitch is you dumb go talk to him ". I smiled and went to class .

moving here , I met better friends , friends who actually didn't want me to be in trouble . but not like that , we still mob type stuff . but you know in school we get our work done , then act bad . 😂 . but it was the end of the day , I was walking to my bus before keke yelled my name . I stopped and looked back at her . she smiled walking up to . know keke she bad . 5'0 , darkskin , long curly hair . dimples , she had it all . " hey call me tonight " . she handed me her phone number on a piece of paper , kissed my cheek and ran off . I smiled knowing lil mama trying to run game on me . that's cute .

walking on the front porch of grandpa's house I heard yelling and screaming . they must be fighting AGAIN . I sighed and opened the door . not only was mama , uncle bayron , uncle Bryant , and uncle brandon was fighting . but grandpa was fighting to . wtf .

mama had brandon by his hair punching him in his face . not hard , but playful . yes she still pregnant & acts like a little kid . but She don't care , she said you get exercise from doing that . daddy broke it up , mama had a busted Lip , ad her hair was messed up . she laughed and gave uncle brandon a hug , they relationship is weird .

" brandon you still hit like a bitch ". mama said , I busted out laughing . all eyes were on me , " the heck you laughing for , yo ugly Ass mama used to my hits , I bet you ain't ". uncle brandon said walking up to me . I laughed and ran Upstairs to call keke

phone call .

future girl 🔐🌸😚 - hello ?
me 😈👅💯- wassup keke , I see you set your nickname in this phone .
future girl 🔐🌸😚 - surely did . lol wyd ?
me 😈👅💯 - nothing just laid down , wyd ?
future girl 🔐🌸😚- um just stepped into the house , I'll call you later on tonight ok ?
me 😈👅💯 - ight baby girl .
future girl 🔐🌸😚 -  Lol bye Carlos .

" ight baby girl ". I heard which made me stop smiling and look at my door , there stood mama & daddy at my door smiling . mama jumped on my bed and Hugged me . " young playa young playa ". my pops said dapping me . " he ain't no player , he a young gentle man ". mama said kissing my forehead . " ma and pops how did yall meet "? I Asked , they smiled .

aubrey 🌸 .

" Carlos I met your daddy when I was 17 years old , it was at a weird building " . yall basically know how the story goes .

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