special needs .

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semaj pov

" okay semaj grab on to this bar and step , take your time , you don't have to rush it ". my physical trainner said to me . I've been in physical therapy ever since last week . I've been doing better , even though the pain is unbearable and hurts like hell I'm fighting cause I want my kids to learn never give up & always believe in yourself . anyway I was gripping the railing as I walked down the straight line , my coach was telling me I'm doing great and keep going . after 1 hour of practice I went back into my room and laid down . I called my son Carlos to see what's popping .

phone call .

son 😎❤ - wassup pops
me 😈 - wassup son , what's popping ?
son😎❤- nothing I just got back from my basketball game , just laying down icing my ankle now . what you doing fam ?
me😈- nigga don't call me fam , and nothing tell yo ugly Ass Moma to bring yall up here , right now !
son😎❤- she said stop talking shit with yo bald headed ass . but I got to go pops love you .
me😈- ok , love you to .

aubrey pov

after the boys got done eating there food and went to sleep , I called my husband just to see what he has been doing . I miss him so much , I am so happy he gets to come home tomorrow . after I got off the Phoenix with him , I washed up , put jamal to sleep in his room , this little boy likes sneaking in my room at night and kicking me off my bed just to get comfortable . I went to sleep .

- hi babies , I haven't been on here lately lol , I'm sorry , just start texting me to update . 💙😋 .

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