chapter 63

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aubrey 🌸 .

3 months later

right now I was in the hospital in the tub . wondering why I'm in the tub & at a hospital ? well it's time to see little ms. Jones , today is my due date & I didn't want to do regular labor , I heard water labor is better than regular labor . so I did it . Carlos & Jamal are in the room with me , while semaj is sitting his ass right behind me . he was rubbing my belly , Cause I kept having contractions . I laid my head on semajs left shoulder as I looked up at Carlos holding a sleeping jamal . " mama you ok ". Carlos asked , I nodded my head and flashed a smile at him . just then I felt the worst pain ever...... AGAIN ! I groaned in pain as the nurses got in the tub at the bottom & told me to push .

semaj held my hand as I squeezed this big headed baby out . " ma'am I need you to push , now ". after the nurses said that , I gave one big push & she was out . I fell back on semajs chest & went to sleep .

2 hours later .

semaj 😈 .

I was in the room with aubrey & everybody sorta . waiting on them to bring the baby in here , nobody has seen the baby since she was born , I was worried , what if aubrey wakes up & not see her baby ? " ms.aubrey" a nurse walked in , " she's sleeping , is there a problem with my baby ". I asked a little worried . " no she's doing fine , we put her on a breathing machine , Cause she wasn't breathing on her own ". she said , I put my hands in the palms of my head . everyone looked at me , while Carlos walked out , looks like he was gonna cry . pops rubbed my back . " So can yall like bring her in here ?" tania said . the nurse shook her head . " no we can't do that , she's under special watch by fast & working nurses , so if you want to come see her you can ". she said . everybody shook their head . " we will wait for the- " I stopped when aubrey was waking up . she looked at me first & then at the nurse , then the empty crib . she started panicking . " wheres the baby ?" she asked lifting up off the bed . " ma'am your baby is with us , she's perfectly fine , do you want to see her ". the nurse asked calmly . aubrey nodded her head , while the nurse helped her into a wheel chair . I followed behind as the nurse took us inside a room with a ton of other baby's . " here she is , what's her name ". the nurse asked smiling at me and aubrey . looking at her I smiled , her eyes are so huge . " her name is Aubri'Onna Renae Henderson ".aubrey said smiling while she held her . her eyes where so big & huge . " hey little Aubri'Onna , I'm your mama , & this is your daddy ". aubrey said talking to her in a baby , whisper kinda voice .

just then Carlos and jamal walked in smiling , " baby ". Jamal said stating the obvious . I smiled while Carlos picked her up out my arms and started talking to her .

" aye little sister , I'm beat any boy you think your gonna bring around up . then when I beat them up , ima pop you in the back of your throat & laugh at you ". Carlos said , I busted out laughing , that boy . semaj shook his head , so I guess my baby can't have a boyfriend . uggggghhhh .

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