Chapter 26

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Aubrey Pov


I'm Driving From Work And Its Raining Dark And People Cant Drive For Shit . And Guess What ?

I Left My Fucking Glasses At Home Great . I Cant See And Now Everything's A Big Blurr

"Move Go The Light Is Green Big Dummy". I Yelled Hitting My Steering Wheel .

Then My Phone Starting Ringing .


Me • Don't Call I Left My Glasses And I Cant See For Nothing I'm Not Trying To Die .

Him • Be Fucking Careful Drive Slow As Possible .

Me • Semaj Okay Love You Bye .

Him • Love You To.

Damn Leave Me Alone .

Man Fuck This Car Going slow For . I'm Finna Get On The Highway .

Yup Exactly What I'm Finna Do .

Authors Pov

Aubrey Got On The Highway . The Fastest She Could .

As She Was On The High Way Her Brakes Gave Out And She Started Spinning In A Circle . She Tried To Control The Car . But Next Thing You know Her Car Interfere With Another Car And They Both Crashed Into The Big Wall.

Aubrey Had Hit Her Head On The Steering Wheel Really Hard . Cause She Was Slipping In And Out Of Conscious . She Tried To Stay Awake .

"Omg Call 911 Baby Girl Please Stay With Me . Everything Is Gonna Be Okay". The Old White Lady Said .

Aubrey Tried To Move But Her Leg Was Stuck And She Was Losing Blood . The Lady And More People Topd Her Not To Move .

Then Flashing Lights Came And A Firefighter Came Over To Aubrey .

"Ma'am If You Can Hear Me Ima Need You To Squeez My Name The Best You Could .

Aubrey Gave His Hand A Small Squeeze Symboling She Was Still Active .

Aubrey Pov

"Please Help Me It Hurts". I Begged The Man But They Couldn't Get Me Out The Car .

The Old White Lady Has Been Here For Me Before The Police And Ambulance Came .

"Honey Is There Anyone You Need For Me To Call". She Asked.

"M...My Booyy...Friend ". The Last Words I Said Before Closing My Eyes .

Semaj Pov

Man What The Fuck Bruhhh !!! Where Is She ?

Oh Is She Calling Right Now

Me • Baby You Okay ? Where You at ?

Her • No Sweet Heart My Name Is Ms. Kimmy Um Your Girlfriend Was In A Car Accident On Highway 70 And She Told Me to Call You Before She Passed Out .

Me • Ma'am What Hospital Did She Go To ?

Her • She's Not In A Hospital Yet They Cant Get Her From the Car . She's Stuck.

Me • Okay Can You Just Stay There Until I Get There ?

Her •Yes Of Course I Wasn't Going No Where .

I Hung Up .

I Called Brandon And Kandii , Desire , Bryant And Tania , Daddy

They All Jumped When I Said That .

I Get On The Highway And Put My Emergency Lights On So I Can Get By .

When I Seen The Lights I was Right There . I Seen Her Car And Passed Out When I Seen Her With A Machine On Her Face Inside The Car With The White Ldy Holding Her Hand Telling Her Its Okay .

I Stood There Frozen Until I Heard Cries And Cussing I Turned Around And Seen Her Daddy And Brandon Nem Around .

"Move Nigga Why The Fuck My Baby In that Car Still . I Don't Give A Fuck Let My Baby Out Now ". Her Daddy Yelled As Bryant Hugged Him .

"Sir We Cant Let You Over There Unless You Are Related To Ms. Jones . The Lady Over There Said So". The Officer Said .

"Ms. Kimmy"? I yelled She Looked Over And Waved For Me To Go Over There .

"Baby Wake up Please". I Squeeze Her Hand But I Got None In return

"We Got Ger Loose Put Her In the Ambulance We Gotta Go Fast ". They Said As they Put Her On the Bed An Out Her In the Ambulance .

I Thanked Ms.Kimmy and Followed behind The Ambulance . Not My Night.

Bayron And Mama Naee Pov

"Son Look She's In The Ambulance". Mama Said .

"Mama She Not Waking Up Who Knows She Might Slip Into A coma "Bayron Said .

Well See

Desire Pov

Man Its Been 4 Fucking Hours Since my Bestie Been In This Fucking Hospital And Nobodys Telling Us Shit .

I Laid Down Crying Into Kandiis Chest .

Yeah You Can Kinda Call Us All Bestfriends

The Doctor Came Out With The Clipboard In his Hand

"Family Of Abrey Denise Jones".

We Ran .

"Sir Its Aubrey". Brandon Added .

"Well Ms. Aubrey Is Fine , She Lost blood And all And She Slipped Into A Coma . She Needs A Blood Transfusion ".
The Doctor Said Causing All Of Us To Break Down .

"What Blood Type Is She"? Semaj Asked With Hurt And Seriousness In His Voice.

"+B" . The Doctor Said .

"I'm Positive B Let Me Do It ". Semaj said
"Okay Step Back Here And Well Make Sure Thats Your Blood Type sir ". The Doctor Said .

"Ayee Semaj I appreciate You Doing This Bro.. you earn my trust back". Daddy said .

He nodded and continue .

Aubrey Pov

Where Am I ? Why Is It So Bright ?

Wait ? Is That Bayron And Mama


NEXT Update Tmrw

-kezzie ❤

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