chapter 16

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Brey POV

"No more rounds I'm sore Maj ". I said breathing heavy, we just had 4 rounds & he wants more. "Breyy come on 1 more round and I promise I'm done ". He said smirking. I shook my head no, I'm sore and sweaty and sleepy. "No Maj & how the heck you have all this energy "? I asked getting under the covers relaxing my head on his chest. "Cause I don't get tired ". He said singing the song. I laughed and drifted of to sleep.

Next day

I woke up to the sun shining and to Maj snoring I tried to get out his grip, but when I tried to get up I fell right on the ground. Damn how the fuck am I sore all the time I thought to myself.

"After the first time me and you had sex and I told your hard headed ass not to get up and you did you fell, baby why don't you just listen to me ". Maj said getting up and carrying me to the bathroom. "Hay I'm hard headed I don't never listen , and one of these days me and you are gonna do it again and this time im gonna make you sore". I said giving him a mean mug , he TRIED to Peck my lips but I moved my head over.

"Not until you brush that dungeon ". He smacked his lips and brushed his teeth for 5 minutes then came back to Peck my lips. "Can I take a bath with you please "? Maj asked shaking my leg.

"No cause we all know what's gonna happen & plus I'm still sore from yesterday ". I said he mushed my head playfully and ran out the bathroom.

I shook my head and giggle and by it in the tub. After about 20 minutes of soaking I washed up and got out wrapped the towel around my body, brushed my teeth, then walked in the room and put on my white Calvin Klein underwear and bra, I put on some with ankle socks and put my hair in a ponytail and walked downstairs.

I walked in the kitchen and seen Maj in his black Calvin Klein boxers on and some black ankle socks, see what I mean shawty match my fyee.

"Why you always tryna be like me "? Maj said wrapping his hands around my waist. "Boy bye you the one who trynna be like me I picked these up first when was at the store so bye ". I said. Maj got his phone and put me back in front of his and but his Front on my back and took the picture.

It was cute as heck, we both set it as our lock screens and sat down and ate.

"What you wanna do this weekend ". He asked me. "Well I wanna go see my moma and brother tomorrow ". I said drinking orange juice. "Ight we will, want me to come pick you up or are you staying with daddy "? He asked kissing my cheek . "I'm going home sorry bae". I said kissing his nose.

"Fine get ready so I can take you home". He said smacking my butt making it sting. "Hey watching now ". I smiled and bit my lip and walked off switching as hard as I can. "Girl you better stop before I give you Jr right there on then steps ". He said I laughed and ran up stairs and but on my gray sweat pants, and white tank top, and house shoes that we're frogs.

"Come on slow poke ". I said it takes Maj forever to get dressed just for something to take me home. "So you don't want your nigga to look good ". He said walking down the stairs with some gray sweat pants and no shirt just a black jacket, no how hard is that to find.

10 minutes later.

"Give me kiss ". Maj said pukering up his lips, I kissed his lips and he grabbed my face and pushed his tounge in my mouth we had a little make out session, his hands found there way down to my ass and squeeze it making me moan a little, I pulled away after what felt Like 1 hour.

"Ill come and get you tomorrow sexy ". He said smacking my butt and biting his bottom lip . "Ight bye boy ". I said and got out of the car the things that boy does to me.

I walked in the house and heard moans through out the house, ewwww. It was my daddy and Rebecca. That bitch moans sound like a baboon when it was on the lion king Kmsl.

Brandon POV

Cruising down the street in my 6'4

Jocking the bitch, slapping the hoes

Went to (something ) to get the scoop.

Yeah I'm watching straight out of Compton and my tv loud cause pops and his bit...I mean girl fucking.

Breyy walked in and sat down on my bed and went to sleep, she does no she got her own room right? O well probly cause they fucking and none of her shit loud.

My phone starting glowing up saying it was a text from Bryant

Bryant | ugly nigga guess what?

Me | pussy who ugly? And what nigga ?

Bryant | you are dude & you remember Jessica from 8 grade?

Me | hell yeah I remember her, why though nigga?

Bryant | her and Tania are friends so I guess that she came over and started trying to fuck me thinking that I'm you.

Me | come on nigga we don't look that much alike, you a little darker than me.

Bryant | nigga bye knowing Damn well I'm light brown, but bye.

Me | I ain't funna argue with you right now, you brown skin

Bryant | no I'm not dude I'm light brown, you brown skin.

Me | get yo ass of my phone cause you know Damn well I'm not brown skin cause if I was I would have been admitted that you was light brown you know what get off my phone nigga.

Bryant | ight love you brown skin nigga

Me | don't try me please don't, but love you to bro.


Long chapter for y'all

•k.monneeyy ❤☺

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