We go to search for the God of Boring, I mean North Wind

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Flying on the dragon seemed to be fun for everyone except me. Leo was in the front, I was behind him, then it was Piper, and Jason at the back.

Up high, the air was freezing cold but being so close to the dragon made a kind of protective bubble of warmth.

Leo used the reins to steer the dragon into the sky like he'd been doing this his whole life, The metal wings worked perfectly, and soon the coast of Long Island was just a hazy line behind them. They shot over Connecticut and climbed into the grey winter clouds.

Leo grinned back at us. "Cool, right?"

"What if we get spotted?" Piper asked.

"The mist," Jason said. I turned to stare at him. So did Piper.

"Honestly, I'm not even going to question how he knows it at this point. But he's right the mist means that mortals will just think we're a plane or something."

Then I saw what Piper was looking at, Jason was holding a picture of girl, but not just any girl. I gasped. "How did you get a picture of Thalia?" I yelled. Jason jumped.

"Wha – "

"Oh, my gods, that's my bestie." I said, gasping. Piper gave me a weird look.

"Oh, and by the way Piper, Thalia is a daughter of Zeus, she isn't Jason's girlfriend. You can still date him."

Leo snorted, whereas Jason and Piper both went bright red. My eyes widened. "Oh, gods, I just realised what I said." Leo laughed. "Sorry, guys." I said sheepishly. They both muttered things along the lines of 'it's fine' still blushing furiously.

"We're making good time," Jason said, clearing his throat. "Probably get there by tonight."

"Where are we headed?" Piper asked.

"To find the god of the North Wind," Jason said. "And to chase some storm spirits."

We flew in silence for a while. I was thinking about the prophecy. It mentioned my dead mother after all. I had no idea what disgrace she could've been involved in. My mother was killed by monsters who were after me, I had always blamed myself for it.

"Shut up, me," Leo said. I stared at him.

"What?" Piper asked.

"Nothing," he said. "Long night. I think I'm hallucinating, it's cool." I raised an eyebrow at him. I wasn't feeling the best about having a sleepless, hallucinating, dragon-driver.

"Just joking," Leo said quickly. "So, what's the plan bro? You said something about catching wind, or breaking wind, or something?"

As we flew over New England, Jason laid out the game plan: first, find some guy named Boreas and grill him for information –

"His name is Boreas?" Leo asked, incredulous. "What is he, the God of Boring?" I snorted.

"I also have something to say actually, why is it called New England?" I said. They all turned to stare at me. "Look, no offense to you guys, but as a British person I can say that it's a very unoriginal name." They stared in silence. I just sat there. "What?" I asked.

"That's why you say some things weird." Piper said.

"Hey!" I said, glaring at her. "I could say the same for all of you." She shrugged.

"Wait so where are you from?" Leo asked.

"Wales." I said. They all stared again.

"Wait... wait, then why are you complaining about the England thing?" Piper asked.

I huffed. "You know what? Never mind."

"Also wasn't it the British who colonised and called it that?" Piper said.

"I don't know! That's why I'm asking." I said.

Second, Jason continued, we had to find those venti that attacked them at the Grand Canyon.

"Woah, hold up, I was not there, I know none of this."

"Also, can we call them storm spirits? Venti makes them sound like evil espresso drinks." Leo said.

I frowned. "You have a point there."

He nodded, "See?"

"Right," Piper said. "You two need to listen to the plan."

I was about to shut up when I realised, she used charmspeak on us. I gasped.

"Hey!" I said, "you can't use charmspeak on us, that's cheating!"

She shrugged. I huffed. Leo still couldn't talk and just sat there grumpily.

And third, Jason finished, we had to find out who the storm spirits worked for, so we could find and then free Hera. He also explained his dream about wolves.

"Well, that's less than usual." I said, cheerily. They all gave me weird looks. "I mean it is for me so..."

"There's also giants," Piper said. I stiffened, which didn't go unnoticed. "Uhm, Anwen?" Piper asked. "Are you alright?"

"Yep," I said. Piper looked at me worried.

"Anyway, the prophecy said, 'giants revenge'."

"Hold on," Leo said, oblivious. "Giants – like more than one? Why can't it just be one giant who wants revenge."

"I changed my mind." I said, Piper turned to me. "This is not going to be easier than usual." She snorted.

"Yeah – in the old myths I remember it talking about an army of giants." Piper said.

"Great," Leo muttered. "Of course, with our luck it's an army of giants. What else do we know about these giants? Piper didn't you do myth research for that movie your dad's in?"

"Your dad's an actor?" Jason asked.

Leo laughed. "I keep forgetting you have amnesia. Heh. Forgetting about amnesia." He said, I snorted.

"I also only just met you guys," I said, raising an eyebrow. "I didn't know this either."

"Oh yeah, well her dad's Tristan McLean." Leo said.

I turned to face her with a look of pity on my face. "How many questions did the Aphrodite kids ask you?"

"Too many too count." She snorted.

"Sorry – what was he in?" Jason said.

"It doesn't matter." Piper said. "What does matter is the giants, the ones I'm thinking of were bad news." She said, glancing at me.

"Piper's right." I said. "These giants were... were related to Kronos." I hesitated, they didn't need to know about Gaia just yet, it would only scare them. "They rose after the First Titan War. After the Titans failed, they tried to destroy Olympus, they failed as well, but only barely."

Leo whistled. "So, an army of giants, friendly wolves who eat us if we show weakness and evil espresso drinks, gotcha. Now's probably not a good time to bring up my psycho babysitter then?"

"Is that another joke?" Piper asked.

Hi. Yeh so I actually updated again, I've now gone against what I said twice. I just don't have anything better to do.

Yes I made Anwen Welsh. Her name is Welsh, also, I have not seen a single character in a fanfiction that is Welsh, so far. And I'm half Welsh so I just felt like adding that in.

I'm not as upset about this chapter name as some of the others, but it still could do with some work.

I hope your having a good day and if not then I hope you enjoyed reading this and it has made you feel better, even just a tad.

That's it from me I think, I doubt I'll post anymore today but we know how that went the first time I said that.

Bye from Corgi

P.S. You know the drill by now, feel free to skip this. Just a reminder that all of these characters (apart from Anwen) belong to Rick Riordan, this is just a fanfiction based off the Heroes of Olympus series.

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