Another successful quest. For the most part.

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"Do not tell me you killed her and Jason?" A voice snapped.

I cracked my eyes open slightly and furrowed my brows as light blinded me momentarily. My entire body ached.

I coughed as a pain shot through my chest.

"Anwen?" A startled voice asked.

I blinked and opened my eyes.

I was greeted by three figures stood over me. I squinted. As my vision swam back into focus, I realised it was Leo, Thalia and Hera.

Leo was kneeling next to me while Thalia and Hera were bickering a few steps away.

"Anwen?" Leo repeated, his eyes widening.

I frowned. "Hi." My voice sounded gravelly and I coughed again. "Did someone put the Sahara desert in my throat?"

Leo laughed and slumped back into a sitting position. "What the hell did you do?"

I pushed myself into a sitting position as well, wincing as my chest ached. "I got rid of Gaia, temporarily obviously. Although, if she died that would be incredibly helpful."

Leo shrugged. "We can hope." I snorted and glanced around.

Thalia and Hera were still bickering but now that I was sat up, I noticed a figure kneeling next to someone lying on the ground. "Uhm, who's that?" I pushed myself to my feet despite how I already felt out of breath.

Leo stood as well. "Jason kinda saw Hera go into like, nuclear god mode? I don't really know-"

"He did what?" I exclaimed. Leo winced.

Thalia and Hera looked over at us. Thalia's face immediately broke into a grin and she raced over to me, throwing her arms around me. "Oh, thank Artemis." She said.

I wrapped my arms around her, frowning. "Is Jason..." I trailed off.

Thalia took a step back and sighed. "Piper's still trying."

I glanced at Hera who was looking at me curiously. "I'm guessing you can't heal him?" I said, wincing as pain shot up my side.

Hera shook her head. "I told them to close their eyes but he didn't listen."

"Oh, so it's his fault now?" Thalia snapped.

I placed a hand on her arm. She glanced back at me and I shook my head.

Thalia shot Hera a glare before leading me over to where Jason and Piper were.

I knelt at Jason's other side while Thalia knelt next to Piper. Leo and Hera both stood behind them.

Piper smiled at me sadly. "Glad to see you're okay, Anwen."

I smiled at her softly. "Has he shown any signs?"

Piper sighed. "I could've sworn I heard him inhale a few seconds ago but it might have just been my imagination."

I raised an eyebrow and glanced down at Jason. 

"Talk to him." I said suddenly.

"What?" Piper said, looking perplexed.

"Talk to him." I repeated.

"It's no use." Hera sighed.

"This is what the prophecy meant. Death unleash through Hera's rage." Leo frowned.

"I mean she caused quite a lot of death from what I can tell, there's monster dust everywhere." I furrowed my brows.

Piper sighed. "Jason?"

Wildfire (Leo Valdez x OC) (1)Where stories live. Discover now