So, the leopard ate Hera? Maybe it's doing us a favour

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As I made my way to where me and Katie usually met, I could see Will and Leo walking towards the basketball courts where the other Apollo kids were clearly showing off, again.

"Anwen!" I heard Katie call.

I turned to see her running towards me with picnic basket in hand. "Hey Katie." I said, she bounded towards me before launching herself onto me in a hug.

Since I was much shorter than her this ended in me falling over and her landing on top of me.

"Can't breathe." I mumbled.

"Oh sorry," she said beaming.

"You seem extra happy, what happened?" I squinted at her.

"Well, I am so glad you asked," she replied, jumping up and down. "Travis got me a new poinsettia!" she said, as if it was the most romantic thing known to man, "I mean he didn't know what kind of plant it was, but the thought was there."

I arched my eyebrow; I would never understand why she thinks people buying her plants is so cool when she is literally a child of Demeter and can grow her own.

But to each their own.

"Ok... anyways what did you bring for the picnic." I asked. She rolled her eyes.

"All you ever think about is food." She said looking at me accusingly.

"Hey! You have Travis, I have food." She laughed.

"Fair enough."

We had been enjoying our picnic in peace before I saw Rachel running towards us with a panicked look in her eye. "I knew Annabeth jinxed it." I muttered.

"Anwen! Oh, my goodness, Thanks the gods you're so predictable." Rachel said, gasping for air.

"Hey." I said, offended.

"No time for that." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me up. "We need to go!"

"Ok geez, I'm coming." I said, I guess no more food for me. "Sorry Katie, I'll catch up with you at the campfire later."

"Ok," she sighed. "'Duty calls' I guess, but you better sit next to me at the campfire!" she yelled after me.

"Sure thing!" I yelled over my shoulder.

As we were running Rachel told me that Piper had collapsed in Hera's cabin after her and Annabeth went in and found Rachel.

"But why were you in Hera's cabin?" I asked, no one went in Hera's cabin because she didn't have any godly children and unlike Artemis, she didn't have any followers that would stay there. The cabin was pretty useless really.

"I had a lead on Percy's disappearance, I thought maybe his vanishing act could be linked to Hera, but I didn't have enough time to look into it because Piper and Annabeth came in and then this mess happened."

As soon as we arrived at the big house, I saw Annabeth, Chiron, and Jason all surrounding Piper, who was lying unconscious on one of the sofas. They all turned towards us as we panted in the doorway.

"Neither of us are runners, ok?" I said. "Don't judge us."

Annabeth snorted and everyone turned back to the unconscious girl as Rachel and I joined them at her side.

"We've got to heal her," Jason insisted. "There's a way, right?"

Chiron put his hand on her forehead and grimaced. "Her mind is in a fragile state. Rachel, what happened?"

"I wish I knew," she said. "As soon as I got to camp, I had a premonition about Hera's cabin. I went inside. Annabeth and Piper came in while I was there. We talked, and then – I just blanked out. Annabeth said I spoke in a different voice."

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