Kinda forgot houses usually have occupants

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I only woke up when the yelling started.


I jumped as Jason leapt to his feet. I wasn't sure what was more jarring, the sunlight that now filled the room, or the screaming satyr.

"Coach is awake." Leo said.

I sighed laying back down against the pillows. "I can tell."

Coach was running around whacking everything in sight, yelling: 'Die!' as he smashed a tea set and ran towards the throne.

"Coach!" Jason yelled.

Hedge turned breathing hard. His eyes had a look in them that made me unsure as to whether he was about to attack Jason.

"You're the new kid." Coach said, lowering his club. "Jason."

He looked at Leo and Piper, who had apparently also just woken up.

"Valdez, McLean." He said. "What happened? We were at the Grand Canyon, the Anemoi thuellai were attacking and –" He saw the storm spirit cage and his eyes returned to their wild state.


"Woah, Coach." Leo stepped in his path. "It's okay, they're all locked up. We just got you out of the other cage."

"Cage? Cage? What's going on? Just because I'm a satyr, doesn't mean I can't have you doing plank push-ups!"

I cleared my throat. "As much as I would like to see that, I don't especially want him to die."

Leo frowned and muttered something about being able to do plank push-ups.

Coach turned to me and his eyes widened. "An- Edris? Why are you here? Wait. Where are we?"

"Coach – Gleeson – whatever you want us to call you. You saved us at the Grand Canyon, you were totally brave!" Jason said.

"Of course I was!"

I slapped a hand to my forehead. "Don't inflate his ego. He really doesn't need it."

"Uhm, yeah. The extraction team came to pick us up, just like you said. Anwen was there. We thought we'd lost you. Then we got word the storm spirits had taken you back to their, uh, operator, Medea."

"Medea? Impossible! She's mortal, she died!"

"We thought so too." I muttered.

"Yeah, somehow, she got not dead." Leo said.

Hedge nodded, his eyes narrowing. "So, you were sent on a dangerous quest to save me. Excellent!"

"Uhm," Piper said, standing up. "Actually Gle- can we just call you Coach Hedge? Gleeson seems wrong. We're on a quest for something else, we kinda found you by accident."

"Oh." Coach's spirits seemed to deflate, but only for a second. Then his eyes lit up again. "But there are no accidents! Not on quests. This was meant to happen! So, this is the witches lair then, eh?" Coach looked around the room. "Why is everything gold?"

"Gold?" Jason said. I frowned. Judging by the sounds of Piper and Leo's sharp intakes of breath, I guessed no one else had realised this either.

The room was completely gold – the statues, the tea set Hedge had smashed, the chair, which was definitely a throne. Even the curtains – which seemed to have opened themselves in the morning – appeared to be woven of gold fibre.

"Nice." Leo said. "No wonder they have so much security."

"This i-isn't," Piper stammered. "This isn't Medea's place, Coach. It's some rich people in Omaha. We got away from Medea and crash-landed here."

Before anyone could decide to explain, or shove Coach back in his cage, we heard a door open from the far wall.

I turned, drawing my knives, only to be met with a pudgy man in a bathrobe stepping out, with a gold toothbrush in his mouth. He froze when he saw us, and the toothbrush fell out of his mouth.

He glanced into the room behind him and called, "Son? Lit, come out here, please. There are strange people in the throne room."

Coach Hedge did the obvious thing. He raised his club and shouted, "Die!"

Hi, I have decided that I'm going to stop asking for help with chapter names, the thing is if other people don't like them, then they can offer better ideas, but no one is, so I'm just going to assume people don't mind them. Also I find some of them quite funny so...

Anywho, sorry for another short chapter, I was going to do a long one, but turns out I'm getting a last minute haircut before school, basically I'm gonna go to school looking stupid cause there's no time for it to grow back and it usually ends up to short. (Future corgi here, it is too short. I'm going back to school tmr and I look like Edna from the Incredibles according to my sister).

Also shout-out to Livcat_Y0, you voted on basically every chapter, it's really encouraging and I really appreciate it. 

I think that's all from me. I hope you are having a good day, and if not, then I hope reading this made you feel better, even just a tad.

Bye from Corgi :)

P.S. (feel free to skip) Just a reminder that all characters (apart from Anwen) belong to Rick Riordan, this is merely a fanfiction based on the Heroes of Olympus series.

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