I think silver looks better on me

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It took all of us to hold back the satyr.

"Woah, Coach!" Jason said. "Bring it down a few notches."

A younger guy charged into the room. I guessed he must be Lit, the old guy's son. He was dressed into pyjama bottoms with a sleeveless T-shirt that said 'cornhuskers' but he held a sword that looked like it could husk a lot of things besides corn. His arms were covered in scars, and his face, framed by dark, curly hair, was even more sliced-up.

Lit immediately began advanced towards Jason, swinging his sword overhead.

"Hold on!" Piper stepped forward. "This is just a misunderstanding! Everything's fine."

Lit stopped in his tracks, but he still looked wary. It didn't help that Coach was still screaming, "I'll get them! Don't worry!"

"Coach." Jason pleaded. "They could be friendly."

"Besides," I added. "We're trespassing in their house."

"Thank you!" The old man said. "Now who are you, and why are you here?"

"Well, it's a long story really –"

"Which we can discuss later." Piper cut me off. "For now, let's all put down our weapons, Coach you first."

Hedge clenched his jaw. "Just one thwack?"

"No." Piper said.

"What about a compromise? I'll kill them, and if it turns out they're nice, I'll apologise."

"No!" Piper insisted.

"Meh." Coach huffed, but he lowered his club.

Piper gave Lit a smile. He huffed and sheathed his sword. "You speak well, girl – fortunately for your friends, or I would have run them through."

"Appreciate it." Leo said. "I try not to get run through before lunchtime."

I frowned. "When is lunchtime? I'm starving."

Piper nudged me. "Stop joking for just a few minutes, please?" She whispered.

"I'm not joking." I whispered. "I'm actually hungry."

The old guy sighed and kicked the golden teapot Coach had smashed. "Well, since you're here. Please, sit down."

Lit frowned. "Your Majesty –"

"No, no, it's fine Lit. New land, new customs. They may sit in my presence. After all, they've seen me in my nightclothes. No sense observing formalities." He tried for a smile but it looked forced. "Welcome to my humble abode. I am King Midas."

"Midas? Impossible!" Coach said. "He died!"

I frowned. "That is the exact same wording you used when we were talking about Medea."

The king frowned. "Medea? Interesting. I think she was a business partner. But yes, I think I was dead for a bit. It's so strange, feels more like a dream, doesn't it Lit?"

"A very long dream, Your Majesty."

The king was now reclining on his throne, as Lit stood next to him, hand hovering over the hilt of his sword. We were all sat on the sofas and Hoots was perched on an armrest next to me.

The king nodded. "And now we are here. I'm enjoying myself very much. I like being alive better."

"But how?" Piper asked. "You didn't happen to have a... Patron? Did you?"

Midas hesitated. "Does it really matter, my dear?"

"We could kill them again." Hedge suggested.

"Coach, not helping." Jason said before looking around the room. "Why don't you go wait outside?"

Wildfire (Leo Valdez x OC) (1)Where stories live. Discover now