Tacos + deep conversation No. 294874676

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Me, Piper and Jason sat on a brick ledge while Leo shuffled through his pack. I was glad to rest, I was tired and hungry, and my ankle was still in no shape to fight whatever could lie ahead.

Jason seemed uneasy; he was turning his gold coin in his hands. Piper was looking at him inquisitively. "It wasn't your fault," Piper said.

Jason turned to her and looked at her blankly. "What?"

"Getting jumped by the Cyclopes," she said. "It wasn't your fault."

Jason looked down. "I was stupid. I left you alone and walked into a trap. I should've known..." He trailed off.

"Hey." Piper nudged his arm. "Cut yourself some slack. Just because you're the son of Zeus doesn't mean you're a one-man army."

Jason gazed into Piper's eyes. I was beginning to feel like I was intruding. I saw Leo light a cooking fire a few feet away.

"I'm... I'm just gonna go..." I said, awkwardly.

They ignored me.

I wandered over to Leo and sat next to him.

"Hey." I said.

"What brings you here?" He said, glancing at me.

"Sick of third wheeling." I shrugged. "Did it for years with Percy and Annabeth. Now it's these two."

Leo snorted. He turned back to the fire; he was stirring some bell peppers.

"What are you making?" I asked, leaning against the wall.

"You shall see, my friend." He said, smiling.

I turned to look at Piper and Jason, they were still talking but Piper was fiddling with her hands and staring into space. Jason was looking at her worriedly and talking to her softly. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but it didn't look like a pleasant topic.

"And bingo!" Leo announced.

I looked at him. He had four plates of tacos stacked on his arms like a waiter.

"Where did that all come from?" I said, incredulous. "I turned around for a second."

"A magician never reveals his secrets." He said, winking. "Now help me carry these to the lovebirds."

Leo's tacos were amazing, I wasn't sure about the tofu but overall it still tasted good. While we ate, Leo tried to lighten the mood and joke around. I laughed along with him but Piper in particular did not seem in the mood.

After Piper finished eating her food Jason encouraged her to get some sleep. Without hesitation she put her head in Jason's lap and curled up.

Jason turned bright red. I was holding in a laugh and out of the corner of my eye I could see Leo refraining from laughing as well. I caught his eye and turned away sharply.

I took a deep breath. Leo snickered.

Jason was looking between the two of us in confusion. "What's so funny?" I snorted. "Guys?"

I let out a sound like a deflating balloon. 

Jason kept looking at us confused. Then he looked down at Piper, and realisation dawned on his face, he went bright red, again.

"Really guys?" Jason said. Me and Leo started laughing.

It took Jason a full five minutes to calm us down.

"How did we not wake up Piper?" I said.

Leo snorted. "I'm still surprised it's possible for Jason to go that red."

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