Miss Daddy issues' really got the nerve to bring fathers into this

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I ran back into the clouds of smoke and frozen mist, trying my hardest to navigate the maze of fallen bodies and piles of monster dust.

I came to a halt when I saw a mass of grey fur lying on the frozen ground.

I inched forwards and peered down at the body.

The wolf from earlier was lying whimpering with an arrow sticking out of its chest. I inhaled sharply and fell to my knees next to the wolf, scrambling to cover the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

"What happened?" 

Lycaon is here. I attempted to find you to warn you but a hunter saw me and wasn't... well, they weren't friendly to say the least.

The wolf let out another whimper.

I frowned and looked around. It was much quieter in this area.

I stood up slowly and drew my knives. "Why is it so quiet?" I looked back down at the wolf but it had vanished.

My eyes widened and I stumbled back.

"Ah, hello there Daughter of Pan. So wonderful of you to join us." A woman's voice said. Suddenly, the mist cleared slightly to reveal a tall, pale woman stood with an Earthborn on either side. "I was disappointed when I saw your little group without you but I'm sure Lycaon will be glad to see you here." Khione smirked.

I gripped my knives tightly. "So, you're the reason it's snowing." I murmured.

Khione rolled her eyes. "How observant." She clicked her fingers and the Earthborn advanced.

I stayed rooted to the spot as they came closer.

One raised his club and swung it towards me but at the very last second, I rolled away, slashing through the ogre.

The other growled and swung an enormous fist towards me but I ducked under it and stabbed a knife into its side.

As the two ogres melted into puddles of clay I turned back to where Khione had been stood mere moments before but she had vanished.

I turned slowly, it was quiet, I could no longer here the sounds of swords clashing or of pained yells.

I heard cold laughter echo throughout the small clearing. "Daughter of Pan, you are a fool to run around on your own."

I gripped my knives tightly and closed my eyes. Where is she?

It was quiet for a moment before I heard Hoots' panicked voice. Behind you.

I whirled around only to be met with a blast of cold air and my vision dimming.

I fell to the ground as I felt frost creep up my body. I saw Khione standing over me, a smirk on her face. "Say hello to your father." She mused.

And then everything went black.

Hello. I am sorry for yet another short chapter. At least this one was more interesting?

I'm really busy with Christmas coming up so chapters are either going to be this short or non existent. 

With that being said, I'm going to be late to my volunteering to I really have to go.

I'll (maybe) see you all next week.

I hope you are all having a good day and if not then I hope this made you feel better, even just a tad.

Bye from Corgi :)

P.S. (feel free to skip) Just a reminder that all characters (apart from Anwen) belong to Rick Riordan, this is merely a fanfiction based off the Heroes of Olympus series.

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