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I stumbled back as a wall of fur and claws launched itself from the ground.

The icicles hit its fur and shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.

Khione's eyes widened. She lifted her hand and more icicles were shot towards us but they once against shattered against the mass of fur.

I watched as a large shape flew through the entrance and landed next to the massive creature.

Hello, Anwen.

I grinned.

The mass of fur turned towards me. The creature had sharp claws and wiry fur. It was stood on its hind legs.

"Tarian!" I ran to the massive bear.

I thought we could use some help. Hoots' voice echoed through my mind.

"How?" Khione yelled. She was glaring at me. "How could you have brought two of the old ones? They haven't been seen in years!"

Tarian turned back to Khione and ran towards her, dropping back onto all-fours. When he reached her, he stopped right in front of her.

"Cover your ears!" I yelled to the others as I clamped my hands over my ears.

The others glanced over and gaped at the massive bear. They all covered their ears with bewildered looks on their faces.

I turned back to Tarian just as he opened his maw and let out a guttural roar. I squeezed my eyes shut as Hoots held his wing in front of me.

A blast of air flew around Hoots and I as the sound of the roar reverberated around the entire grounds.

I saw multiple Earthborn lose their footing and stumble away from the others.

Jason stood unfazed in the wind but Piper and Leo both fell back next to the earthen prison.

Hoots nodded to me and I slowly lowered my hands from my ears.

Tarian was stood over a pile of snow and ice. He growled at it and made his way back over to me.

Cowardly goddess. She has returned back to her home. Tarian's gruff voice spoke in my mind.

I nodded and glanced to the others. Leo and Piper were stood next to the earthen cage and a large storm spirit in the shape of a horse was stood next to them. I frowned.

"I think I should..." I trailed off, gesturing to the two by the earthen prison and Jason still trying to fight off the now dazed Earthborn.

Hoots nodded and flew back out of the entrance.

Hoots and I will hold off those still outside.

The great bear ran out of the entrance, following the owl.

I ran over to Piper and Leo. "What's happening?" I asked quickly.

Hera sat in the cage glaring at everything she laid eyes upon until she glanced at me.

"Anwen! Thank the gods you're here! I can't stand hearing these dolts for much longer!" She sighed.

"Can a god thank the gods?" I muttered.

"What was that?" Hera asked.

"Nothing." I forced a smile. "I'm afraid you're going to have to stick with these two. I'm going to help Jason."

Hera huffed. "Can't even get a proper demigod to do things these days." She muttered.

I bit my lip to stop myself from saying anything I would regret and ran over to Jason.

He was fighting the remaining Earthborn with a frozen plank.

I drew my knives and one lumbered over behind him and made to grab him. I raced forwards and jumped up, sinking my knife into its thick head.

The Earthborn sank into a pile of mud and I dropped to the ground. Jason crushed an Earthborn's arm with the plank and it wailed. I threw my knife which buried itself in the Earthborn's skull.

Jason turned as the Earthborn melted into a pile of clay.

An Earthborn rose behind him and I launched another knife, it flew over his shoulder and impaled itself right in the Earthborn's forehead.

Jason glanced back as it too, melted into clay and nodded. "Nice shot." He muttered.

"Thank you." I smiled, tilting my head. "Lose your sword?"

Jason nodded.

I chucked a knife toward him and he caught it, turning it over in his hands. "Thanks." I shrugged and walked back to Piper and Leo.

As Jason and I made our way to the earthen prison I noticed Hera was slowly getting absorbed into the ground of the earthen prison. The floor was slowly rising to consume her, liquid rock had already passed the goddess' shins.

"Uh, Tia Callida, are you getting shorter?" Leo frowned.

"No, you dolt! The Earth is claiming me. Hurry!" 

"Why do you keep saying dolt?" I mused. 

"The giant wakes." Hera warned, ignoring me. "We have mere seconds."

Guess who's backkkkkk. Back to weekly updates guys!!! 

I hope you all had good holidays, sad to go back to school as always but we'll live. 

Sorry for the terrible chapter name, I really need to get back into the swing of writing, I don't know how I forgot how to do chapter names in such a short amount of time but here we are. I guess it's at least accurate though.

Another short chapter, I know guys, I'm sorry. I really wanted to come back with a good long chapter but it's really difficult because I'm supposed to be resting right now and apparently that involves no screens.

I got Covid over Christmas. Sad times :( It's literally the fifth time I've had it, it isn't going well for me lol. This time is arguably the worst one, despite the other times literally having organ failure, I can't hear because my ears have become enflamed. So, I'm currently hoping that I get my hearing back in time for school but since that's in two days I'm kinda running out of time.

Anyways not to bring the mood down or anything lol. I hope you all had amazing holidays, if you celebrate Christmas then I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and got some cool presents, I hope you've all had a good start to 2024 and good luck for the rest of it!

I hope you are all having a wonderful day and if not then I hope reading this made you feel better, even just a tad. 

Bye from Corgi :)

P.S. (feel free to skip) Just a reminder that all characters (apart from Anwen and the animals that help her) belong to Rick Riordan, this is merely a fanfiction based of the Heroes of Olympus series.

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