Who gave the giant fire? They're more irresponsible than Leo

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I had hoped the taxi would get us to the top of the mountain but such luck is non-existent for demigods.

As we drove up the mountain road, the cab was making lurching, grinding noises and halfway up we found the road blocked at the ranger's station, by a thick chain.

"Far as I can go." The driver said. "You sure you want to keep going? It's a pretty long walk and my car's acting funny, so I won't be able to wait for you."

"We're sure." Leo said, stepping out onto the path. I got out behind him and was quickly followed by Jason, Piper, and Coach. Leo nudged me and pointed to the cars wheels.

They were sinking into the road, as if in quicksand. Not particularly fast – just enough to make the driver think his car was breaking down.

The road was hard-packed earth, no reason for it to be soft, but my shoes were already beginning to sink. Gaia was messing with us.

Piper walked over to the driver as he wound down his window and passed him a few notes. "Keep the change." She said. "And get out of here, quick."

The driver didn't need to be told twice. Soon, all that could be seen was his dust trail.

The view from the mountain was pretty amazing. The whole inland valley around Mount Diablo was a patchwork of towns – grids of treelined streets and middle-class suburbs, shops, and schools. All these normal people living normal lives, the kind I had never known.

"What do you think it's like for all those people down there?" I said. "Completely oblivious to the fact there is a giant and a famous actor up on this hill."

Leo snorted. "Probably pretty nice." I shrugged.

"Jason, you alright?" I heard Piper say. I turned.

Piper had a hand on Jason's arm as he stared off with the same anguished look he had been using for the past few days.

He pointed west where a ridge of golden hills held back a layer of fog, like the rim of a bowl. "That's the Berkely Hills. The East Bay, past that, San Francisco."

"You remember something?" I said, tilting my head.

"No." Jason muttered. "It just... it feels important."

"That's Titan land." Coach said, nodding his head in the direction Jason had been pointing. "Bad place, Jason. Trust me, this is as close to 'Frisco as you want to get."

I nodded. "I watched good people die there. I definitely don't want to go back there."

Piper frowned at me. "Want to talk about it?"

I smiled at her. "I'm happy that you're trying Piper, but if we went into all the traumatic things that have happened in my lifetime then we would have run out of time to save your dad, never mind Hera."

Piper shrugged. "Worth a shot." I snorted.

"Hey, guys?" Leo said. "We might want to keep moving." He pointed at our feet which were now sinking into the path at a rapid rate.

I yanked my foot out of the ground nearly taking my shoe off. As I tugged my other foot, I felt a flash of pain travel up my leg. I winced.

"You alright?" Leo said.

"Yeah." I nodded, tugging on my foot. "Stupid ankle." I muttered. I tugged harder and my foot came free. I sighed. "Holy Hera I hate mud." Leo laughed.

"Can you say that as the wild's daughter?"

I furrowed my brows. "I actually have no idea."

"Gaia is stronger here." Coach grumbled. "I don't think it's the wild you should be worrying about." He popped his hooves out of his shoes and picked them up before passing them to Leo. "Keep those for me, Valdez. I like them."

Wildfire (Leo Valdez x OC) (1)Where stories live. Discover now