The 'Extraction' (as Annabeth called it)

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I was getting on Annabeth's nerves, I could tell. Since we had left camp, the chariot had remained quiet for a total of five seconds. It wasn't really my fault, I have ADHD, like most demigods.

However, luckily for Annabeth's sanity, and my health, we were very close to our destination. We were going to 'extract', as Annabeth called it, some demigods who were at the Grand Canyon.

As we began to land Annabeth leapt off and strode towards a group of people on the skywalk. I could see a blonde boy and brunette girl turn towards us as we landed and a Latino boy, who was lying on the floor for some reason. Butch also jumped out and I was left to handle the pegasi.

"Thanks guys, really feeling the love here" I grumbled once they were out of earshot, but I stayed in the chariot and waited for the others. I saw the Latino boy stand up with the others as all three of them looked bewildered at Annabeth who was clearly questioning them quite fiercely. As I was debating on whether I should go over and help the confused teens Annabeth turned around and stormed back to the chariot.

She looked on the verge of tears, but if I told her that she'd probably throw me down the Grand Canyon.

Soon after Butch lead the new demigods onto the chariot and went back to the reigns, as we set off, I got a good look at the new demigods, the brunette girl had unevenly cut hair, as if she'd taken a pair of kitchen scissors to it. Despite that she was gorgeous, her eyes seemed to change colour in the light, like a kaleidoscope.

The blonde boy on her left side was stood very still and silently, like a statue, he had neatly trimmed hair and held himself with a sort of authority. However, he was looking off into the distance with a slightly pained look on his face.

The Latino boy on the girl's right however was the complete opposite of the pristine blonde boy, he was stood slightly slouched, spitting out Pegasus feathers that flew into his mouth and asking question after question without much pause for breath in between, similar to Anwen on the journey there.

"This is so cool!" he said, spitting out yet another Pegasus feather. "Where are we going?"

"A safe place," Annabeth said "The only safe place for kids like us. Camp Half-Blood."

"Half-blood?" the pretty girl said, looking affronted "Is that some kind of sick joke?"

"She means demigods," the blonde boy said. "Half god, half mortal."

I raised my eyebrow and shared a look with Annabeth. She shrugged and looked back at the blonde boy "You seem to know a lot Jason," Annabeth said, "but, yes, demigods. My mom is Athena, goddess of wisdom. Anwen is the daughter of Pan, god of the wild," I waved as Annabeth continued, "and Butch over there is the son of Iris, the rainbow goddess."

The Latino boy choked. "Your mom is the rainbow goddess?"

"Got a problem with that?" Butch said, looking like he was about to punch the Latino boy.

"No, no," The Latino boy said, clearly trying to hold back a smile. "Rainbows. Very macho."

"Butch is our best equestrian," Annabeth said. "He gets along great with the pegasi."

"Rainbows, ponies" The Latino boy muttered.

"I'm gonna toss you off this chariot," Butch warned, I snorted.

"Demigods," the pretty girl said. "You mean you think you're... you think we're – "

Lightning flashed. The chariot shuddered, and Jason yelled, "left wheel's on fire!"

I could see dark shapes forming in the clouds, as horse-shaped storm spirits began spiralling towards the chariot.

I could see the girl looked slightly confused as she began "Why are they – "

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