Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

"Luke, just let me meet them! You're best friends with them!"

"I don't know. Are you worthy of One Direction?" Luke asked playfully.

"Definitely not" Michael teases me as well.

"Fuck you guys" I storm out of the bus with a huff.

I'm not necessarily upset with them but I really want to meet One Direction.

I've been asking Luke for weeks to let me meet the One Direction boys. After all they're a big part in Luke's life and career, but no! Luke doesn't know if I should get to!

I walk down the street when Luke appears by my side in an instant.

"Luke! You can't just do that? What if people were looking?" I say making sure no one saw this ridiculously tall boy running faster than any car could ever move.

"Sorry." he laughs. "But if it really means that much to you, then you can meet the boys"

"Really?" I smile.

"Sure" he shrugs. "we're meeting up tomorrow"

"Thanks babe" I kiss his cheek.

We walk to a park and sit there and talk for awhile until it's "bed time".

When we get on the bus, the boys play endless games of FIFA until 5am. After that we just watch tv.

"You know it feels so weird to not sleep at all" Michael said. "I mean I slept all day and now, I just can't"

"You get used to it" I shrug. "I've only been awake for a few years" I shrug.

"A few years? 650 years is a few years?!" Luke asks bewildered.

"My mum is 2,500 years old. Yeah, 650 is only a few" I shake my head.

"You've got a point" Luke nodded chuckling.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower before we meet the boys" I say and the boys nod.

I take a quick 15 minute shower in the tiny shower on the bus. Then I dry my hair and end up digging in my bag for the dye I bought and the stuff I need to bleach my hair.

Once I finish bleaching my hair, I put in the dye and let it sit while I use the time to do my make up.

I apply eyeliner, mascara, and dark red lipstick. I choose my outfit for today as well.

Finally my hair is done and it looks so good! I try washing some of the dye from my ear and side of my face but when it only lightens the stain I cover it with concealer. I put on some blush too.

I pull my leggings up my legs and put on my long grey sweater. I put my heart necklace on and it dangles down to mid-stomach. I slip into my grey vans before looking in the mirror one more time.

I grab my bag and throw it in my bunk and walk back into the "living room".

"Shit" Luke says under his breath as he looks at me.

"Woah! Looking good!" Michael high fives me.

I chuckle at him and he sends me a playful wink my way.

"I like it" Calum nodded.

"It looks good on you"

"Really? I just found out what the color amburgine looked like the other day and I was like fuck it! I'm dying it amburgine!"

"Oh it definitely looks good on you" Luke pecked my lips.

I smiled at him before he leaves to get dressed with the other boys.

I sit down and fiddle with my fingers nervously. What if the boys don't like me? They're a big part of Luke's life and I don't want to be hated by them.

Will they accept me for being a Vampire? Will they accept me for changing them? My mind hurts from all these questions.

When the boys are ready I walk with the to the door and I let them out first. I follow behind them as they lead me to an arena near by.

"They have a show tonight but they're just in sound check right now and said we could stop by for a little bit" Luke said walking next to me.

When he looks over and be he grabs my hand and squeezes it tight. "you'll be fine. They'll love you"

I try letting my nerves fade but they won't leave. I give Luke a small smile in a thanks for the attempt.

When we're at the doors of the arena I take a step back as a disgusting sent hits my nose.

"What is it?" Luke asks concerned.

I look around for any sign of the smell but when I see known I realize they must be hiding.

"Nothing, lets go" I lead them into the arena quickly before something happens.

Walking in the smell gets stronger and I nearly gag. It couldn't be!

"Why does it smell so bad?" I hear Luke ask.

All of the others agree with him and they look at me for an answer. Instead of answering I walk closer to the four boys practicing.

When I'm in front of the stage with the boys protectively behind me.

I hear someone growl and they all stop and look at us.

"It's you guys" I ball my fist.

"It's you" I hear Louis growl.

"It's all of us" I say.

"You didn't! You can't just change our friends!" Liam yelled.

"It wasn't my decision." I cross my arms over my chest.

Niall jumps down in front of me and as I take a few steps back the other three follow.

"You're Luke's girlfriend huh?" Harry asks circling me.

I feel uncomfortable under the gaze of his bright yellow eyes and his horrible wet dog smell.

He touches my hair and plays with it teasingly and his hand touches my arm and slowly slides up it.

"Stop touching her" Luke says sternly, his red eyes growing darker.

Harry touches my stomach and I can't moves my arms because of shock, something most wolves have the power to do. He moves his hand up and I close my eyes wishing he would just stop. His three bandmates chuckle from behind him.

I see Luke's anger rising and in one quick flash Harry is flying across the room and lands on a bunch of chairs set up.

The three boys in front of me ball their fists and they start growing bigger.

"You guys need to leave" I say as calming as possible to the three boys I'm holding protectively behind me.

"What? W-"

"Go!" I yell as Harry jumps in front of me I'm full wolf form.

I see the three boys dash to the door as I instructed them and I focus my eyes on the four wolves in front of me that are twice my size.

"This is gonna be fun" I smirk.

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