Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

"You look beautiful" he pecks my lips.

"Thank you" I smile. "you can pretend I'm blushing whenever I complement you" I laugh.

He laughed too. "I'll try"

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere special" he says grabbing my hand and leading me to his nice car.

"I like your car" I say as he opens my door. Such a gentleman.

"Thank you"

We drive for a few minutes as the radio is on. We talk about school and other stuff.

"So you being a vampire makes you badass"

"Well I mean I act that way at school so people will leave me alone"

"So I'm your first friend?"

"Yeah well I didn't want you to be my friend no offense"


"I didn't want you to get hurt"

"How would I?"

"In the end I will be the one who has to let you go when your old and I'm still 17"

He stayed silent for awhile.

"Let's not think about that right now" he said but I could see him deep thought. What is he thinking about?

"I won't bring it up anymore" I smiled.

We pulled up to a very familiar place. The woods.

The place I always go to. My favorite place. But now it can be our place.

We walked out hand in hand to the middle of the woods.

In the middle was red and white lights spread across the trees. And green, blue, and yellow heart lights are hanging from branches.

There was a nice table with 2 chairs in the middle of all the trees. There was multi colored flower petals on the ground.

I turned to Luke with my mouth wide open.

"You did this for me?" I asked.

He smiled and took out a rose from behind his back.

"Aww Luke!" I said jumping on him.

I kissed him on the lips for a few seconds before the taste if him got overwhelming.

I got off him and he intertwined our fingers together and lead us to the table.

It was so perfect.

On the table there were plates and picnic basket in the middle.

He took out food for him (none for me since vampires don't eat) and he took out a mini bottle of sparking juice then took out a bottle of red substance for me.

"You got me blood?" I smiled.

"I snuck it from the blood drive"

I smiled brightly at him. "you are amazing!"

"I know!" he laughed.

We did a cheers and drank from our bottles.

"Your not grossed out by this?" I ask referring to me drinking blood.

"I've made my peace with it" he shrugged.

I just smiled in reply. I can't believe he actually is here with me seeing all my vampire features and me drinking blood. The best part he is still here and not freaked out!

"I love you" I smiled.

"I love you too" he leaned over the table and kissed me briefly.

"You uh got something" I bit my lip.

There was a dot of blood on his lip from my lips and I was extremely tempted to drink that blood plus his.

I strained my self and leaned over and kissed him and gently licked it off his lip as I parted my mouth.

I pulled back and he smiled at me

"I've been thinking about what you said a lot" he said biting his lip looking nervous.

"I told you not to think about it"

"I know but I've had this thought"

"What is it?"

"Before I turn 18 you can change me"

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