Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

The pain he's going through makes me want to stop but if I stop now he'll die.

The taste of actual fresh human blood taste so good and even though I tell myself I want to stop I wouldn't be able to stop now.

The steady flow of blood turns into a small stream until there's nothing left.

He falls in my arms and I luckily catch him. It scares me seeing him dead but I know he'll wake up soon.

I lay him on the couch and look at him. He looks frighteningly pale and well dead.

I brush hair from his forehead and kiss his forehead.

"I'm sorry I hurt you but this is what you wanted." I whispered. "i love you" I peck his lips lightly.

I look away from him and what i've done to him and pace the room waiting for him to wake up.

"Selena?" I hear an urgent voice.

I quickly turn to Luke who is now awake. I gasp at the view.

His fangs are pretty big and his eyes are bright red and he's a skin tone lighter than before.

"Oh my god" I walk closer to him.

"You did it!" he smiled his fangs out.

He hugged me and I smile knowing he's at least happy about the change.

"You're probably really thirst yeah?" I ask him.

I remember the day I was bitten. I was so thirsty I couldn't focus on anything else.

"I really am" he groans.

"Come with me" I lead him to my kitchen and make him sit at the table.

I grab 4 cups right away and he looks at one and cringed.

"This is the only source of food or drink you will ever have" I look at him.

"I know it just feels gross"

"It is. If you don't drink it your thirst will get the best of you and drink all of it"

He grabs the cup swishing the red thick liquid in the cup. I grab one as well and I clink my cup with his.


I drink the cup and when I put mine down I see Luke has drank all of his too.

"Drink up" I push the other 3 towards him.

He doesn't hesitate after the second cup and he drinks 6 cups in total which I let him. He needs it.

"Thank you. I know it must have been hard for you but I'm so thankful"

"I did it because I love you and I knew you could handle it"

"I love you too" he pecks my lips.

He starts kissing me more and more until we're making out.

"You know what we can do now?" Luke asked.

"One step at a time" I kissed him one last time and pulled back smiling.

"I believe you have some people to talk to" I look at Luke.

"Right" he looks nervous.

"Don't worry. They'll except it. It will just take awhile"


I grab his hand and lead him outside and to the car. We drive to his house quickly and we get there soon enough.

Luke knocks on his front door and there is shuffling then the door opens.

"Oh it's 12:45! Happy birthday lu-" Liz stops talking as she looks at Luke.

"Oh my god" she gasp. "you.....your...your a"

"Yes I am mum. It was my choice believe me. I practically begged Selena to do it"

Tears sprung to her eyes. "you really care about her don't you?"


"You'd be willing to give up your life to be able to live with her forever"

"I do mum. I really love her"

"I'm not sad. Just shocked I swear" Liz said. "but if it's for love who am I to get in the way"

I look at Luke who is starting to tear up and I feel bad. He hugs him Mum and that's when it happens.

His bright red eyes get a shade darker and he bites his lip.

"He needs to" I grab Luke's arm.

"What?" Liz yells as I continue to drag Luke away.

"Your blood. He's not properly in control of his thirst. When he is we'll visit I promise!"

I shove Luke in the car and get in myself driving away fast.

Luke returns to normal and I sigh in relief.

"Is it always going to be like that?"

"No. You'll be in control soon. We just have to wait"

I look over at him and look at his features again.

I can't believe I actually did it!

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