Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

I rid my mind of all thoughts as Luke's eyes flutter open.

"Good Morning Beautiful" he said in his sexy husky morning voice.

"Good morning Lukey! Happy early Birthday!" I yell sliding a plate of bacon and waffles on his lap.

"Aww thank you!" he kisses my cheek. "but my birthday isn't until tomorrow"

"I love celebrating early and late and the day of!"

"Ok. Ok! Have you come up with a de-"

"I don't want to talk about that until later today. Ok?"

"Ok. So little miss I want to plan a 3 day birthday what are we doing today?"

"Well there's a concert going on and I thought......lets go!"

"Really?" Luke asked bacon stuffed in his mouth.


"Yay!" Luke cheered after swallowing his food.

"I'm taking a shower" I stand up.

"Good. You stink!"

I stick my tongue out and walk away giggling.

After my quick shower I wrap the towel around my body and look through my closet.

Once I have an outfit picked out I walk back to the bathroom to get changed. I felt Luke's stare the whole time I was out of the bathroom.

Once I'm finally done changing and doing my hair and make up I look in the mirror.

My top is 2 strips of fabric black that cover my boobs and hook in the back making an 'x' shape on my chest. Since my boobs are a little larger they show more. The skirt is a blue high low skirt where the front ends below mid thigh and the back goes down to my ankles.

My make up is just eyeliner, mascara, and dark red lipstick. My hair is up in a high ponytail that I straightened. My shoes are just silver sparkly pumps.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Luke in non ripped skinny jeans and a white baseball shirt with black sleeves with red 'x's.

"Wow. You look beautiful" Luke kissed my lips.

"Thank you. And you look hot"

"Why thank you" he bows.

"Let's go" I laugh.

He puts my phone in one pocket and his in the other and puts $50 in his butt pocket.

We walk out of the house and walk the short distance to the venue that there was a concert at.

"So who's performing?" Luke asked.

"I'm not actually sure. But they're performing covers and I heard they were pretty good"

"I hope so" Luke holds my hand as we walk into the venue.

When we get there we hear the music being blasted through the big speakers.

What I heard was right. This guy was really good. He performed covers of Blink-182 and Good Charlotte and Green Day.

Luke talked to him during his break telling him how good he was and that he should think about going somewhere with his music.

Once the guy was at his last song I snuck away from Luke when he wasn't paying attention.

I got on the stage and the guy I talk to before I even got here gave me the microphone.

"Hi guys! I'm Selena!" I wave.

Luke seems shocked and realizes I snuck away from him.

"Sorry to interrupt the concert but I would like to perform for my boyfriend Luke! Hi Luke!" I wave.

Everyone aww's as Luke blushes but smiles and waves back at me.

"He wrote me a song awhile ago so I guess now it's my turn!" I say. "here is kiss me" (Ed Sheeran's song)

"Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in

Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Settle down with me
And I'll be your safety
You'll be my lady

I was made to keep your body warm
But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

Oh no
My heart's against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with this feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Yeah I've been feeling everything
From hate to love
From love to lust
From lust to truth
I guess that's how I know you
So I hold you close to help you give it up

So kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love"

The crowd claps as Luke cheers with them but only louder.

"I love you Luke!"

"Love you too Selena!" Luke yells back.

I hop off the stage and run into him hugging him tight. He holds me close with both of his strong arms.

He kisses my forehead and pulls back smiling at me.

"Let's get out of here kiddo"

"I'm like hundreds of years older than you" I laugh.

"Whatever" he chuckled.

We walked out and I lead him to a nice restaurant where we'll have dinner.

It's not really fancy at all. It's like a nandos. We sit down and Luke smiles.

"Thank god! I was starving"

"Of course you were" I roll my eyes playfully.

He smacks my arm lightly and acts offended. "are you calling me fat?!" he fake shrieked like a girl.

"Oh shut it!"

He ordered his drink and food. Once it came he immediately ate the whole plate of food with in a few minutes.

"It's nearly 12. Let's get home" I smile.

We walk to the house and once we get there I can't calm my nerves at all.

"I love you. You know that right?" I ask nervous.

"Of course! You know I love you too" he said sincerely.

"I do" I smiled.

I kissed him passionately and slowly and deeply. I knew all the warmth in his body felt nice but had to push my self to do this.

I glanced at the clock still kissing Luke. 11:58. If I don't do it now it'd be too late.

"I love you" I whisper in his ear before trailing kisses down to his neck.

I lick over a spot making him moan and just thought it was a regular heated kiss. He was wrong.

I sink my teeth into his neck draining his body of blood.

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